CategoryBlog Design

Blog Design Matters
Last week I asked the question – ‘Does Blog design Matter?’ I asked it because my own blog’s redesign was just around the corner and I was interested in the impact it would have upon my blog. A number of people have asked me about the change and the impact ...more
Blog Design

Open Mike on Blog Design
I’m going to open up the comments on this post for anyone to say anything they like on the topic of blog design. I spent half an hour or so today looking through the blogs nominated for this year’s Bloggies awards. I was particularly looking through them with an eye ...more
Blog Design

RSS Feeds: Full posts or extracts?
Another tip from Leave It Behind’s Building a Better Blog is to ‘Syndicate your Entire Post‘. Brian writes: ‘Again, in the never-ending effort to ensure happy readers, be sure to syndicate (i.e. send) your entire post through RSS. I follow over 75 weblogs (which is probably a low number on ...more
Blog Design

Choosing Complimentary Colors for your Blog – ColorMatch Tool
Have you ever struggled to select a color scheme for a blog? It’s pretty obviously looking at the disaster that I’ve designed here that I do! So this ColorMatch tool is going to be very handy! It is designed to help you select a 6 color palette for your blog. ...more
Blog Design

The Importance of User Feedback
Michael has a great tip on The Importance of User Feedback over at ‘In retrospect, the conclusions seem obvious: Assuming you want as much feedback as possible from readers, you should make it as easy as possible for them to reach you. You may need to experiment with different ...more
Blog Design

Categories and Search Engine Optimization
I would add another point to the last post on why Blogs are Popular with Search Engines and comment that it is not only page structure that works well but often overall site structure. The fact that many blog systems like Word Press and Moveable Type allow bloggers to categorize ...more
Blog Design

Customize your Error 404 Page for Retaining Readership
SEO Chat has a good article on making your 404 error pages work for you to create increased traffic. Using these methods you can not only retain visitors to your site that have strayed out of your working pages but can also direct them into the areas of your site ...more
Blog Design

Web Design in 2005 – Predictions
I’ve been very aware since starting this blog that the design I’ve got here is terrible. One knows by looking at it that whilst I might make a living from blogging that my skills do not lie in the design area (I usually get someone else to do it). However ...more
Blog Design

Free Blog Tutorials
Orangejack Blog has a great series of free tutorials for bloggers. They write: ‘Interested in blogging? Don’t know much about what a blog is, why blog, or how to blog? Need to tweak your blog? Do you feel like you need to take some classes on it all? Well look ...more
Blog Design