CategoryBlog Design

Ad Sizes on Blogs
Duncan has posted A short guide to ad sizes which really is a must read if you’re looking to use advertising on your blog. He takes a look at Ad placement, ad sizes and Chitika just to name some of what he covers: ‘Dont be afraid to experiment with your ...more

Top Ten Blog Design Mistakes
Jakob Nielsen has put together an interesting article with the Top Ten Design Mistakes that he sees bloggers making. It’s a pretty insightful list – not definitive by any means – but definitely helpful in my mind. 1. No Author Biographies – I’m amazed that so many blogs don’t have ...more
Blog Design

Favicons on Blogs
Today I had a nice surprise waiting for me in my inbox – an email from Tiago who had kindly taken it upon himself to design me a favicon for my blog in thanks for the advice I’d given him and others through this blog. For those not familiar with ...more
Blog Design

Experimental blogging.
Duncan has a useful post on experimenting with the design of your blog at Don’t be afraid to experiment. Well worth the read.
Blog Design

BusinessLogs Redesign in Process
I’m watching with interest the redesign process of which has already won awards for it’s designs. Mike Rundle explains some of the reasons for and thinking behind the design (which is slowly coming into effect on the site). I can’t wait to see how it ends up because these ...more
Blog Design

Redesigning Blog Templates
I just stumbled across a useful page for those wanting to give their blog a bit of a design overhaul – it’s a blog tutorial on Blog Templates using Photoshop. In it they talk about how to design header banners/logos, give photos borders, make button etc. They also give a ...more
Blog Design

Blog Designers Database
If you’re looking for a blog designer (or you are one) you might be interested in this new central database for blog designers – arranged by location (not that I think location really matters that much these days – the people I work most closely with, including designers, are scattered ...more
Blog Design

Cool Little Tool
My last post asked the question of how you build blog and website traffic. Tim left a comment that caught my interest regarding the syndication of one blog’s headlines to other websites he has an interest in – an effort to create stickiness at the website and drive visitors to ...more
Blog Design

Strategy for maximizing page views
I was going to call this article tips for maximizing page views. But tips implies that what I suggest is going to work! These are merely thoughts and suggestions. I hope to encourage a bit of experiment and conversation with this post. Please use the comments and trackbacks to let ...more
Blog Design