CategoryBlog Design

Blog Design for Beginners
The following post is a guest post from the very talented blog designer, Peter Flaschner, as part of the blogging for beginners series. Hi all. I’m Peter Flaschner, the founder and creative dictator at The Blog Studio. I’m going to walk you through the process we go through when designing ...more
Blog Design

Keeping Visitors on Your Blog – Give them Something else to Read
Yesterday I had an email from Jim Logan that contains a tip that I’m sure some will find helpful. Jim has kindly given me permission to publish it here: Hi Darren! I discovered something on my site that your readers may find of interest. Recently I changed the template of ...more
Blog Design

Comment Design Showcase
Smiley Cat has put together a great idea over at their Comment Design Showcase. The page is a collection of screen caps from some beautifully designed comments sections which each link back to the blogs that they are from. It’s great to see them all side by side like that.
Blog Design

‘Must Have’ Sidebar Features
BlogSEO has posted an interesting list titled 10 Must-Have Things That Should be on Your Blog’s Side Bar which I’m certain will cause some debate among ProBlogger readers. As I look down the list there are some I strongly agree with and others which I have a personal aversion to. ...more
Blog Design

Improving the Readability of Your Comments Section
I love it when bloggers get on a ‘hot streak’ with their blogs and write multiple link worthy posts in a short period of time. Rachel’s blog is hot right now in my opinion (I seem to be linking to her a lot) and today she’s written an interesting post ...more
Blog Design

Blog Design Solutions
I’m quite excited to see that a team of talented blog designers (Phil Sherry, Andy Budd, Simon Collison, Michael Heilemann, Drew McLellan, David Powers, Chris J. Davis and John Oxton) have just announced their new book titled Blog Design Solutions. I’m not familiar with all of the authors but those ...more
Blog Design

Liquid Width or Static Width Blog Design?
Graywolf has started a worthwhile series titled Maximizing Profits With Website Design and Layout which I’ll be following closely. The first in the series tackles the eternal debate of web designers over wether liquid width or static width designs are better. This is a question I have pondered over the ...more
Blog Design

Blog Spring Clean Checklist
Last week I did a spring clean of my office (although it is Summer here). It’s amazing how many bits and pieces one can accumulate over time and how they pile up to become an accumulative mess. Blogs can also become messy over time in a similar way. Most obviously ...more
Blog Design

Finding Cheap and Free Stock Photos for your Blog
If you’re looking for good cheap (and/or free) stock photos for your blog there is a helpful list over at Presentation Zen titled Where can you find good images? found via LifeHacker
Blog Design