Great Wines of North Carolina
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Great Wines of North Carolina

Great Wines of North Carolina is another good example of a Blogger doing his thing by focussing upon a niche market. I’m not seeing too many obvious income streams on the blog – but its an interesting focus and one where he has a good change of capturing a large ...more
Case Studies
Blogging Resources –
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blogging Resources – has a good list of blogging links including blogging tools and ‘how to’ guides.
Blogging Tools and Services
The rise of Micropayments
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The rise of Micropayments

Clickz has an interesting study into the rise of micropayments which might be of interest to some bloggers. My experience of blogging is that its hard to get much in the way of big payments in one’s income stream but that one way forward that many of us are exploring ...more
A day in the life of a Search Engine Optimiser
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

A day in the life of a Search Engine Optimiser

SEO Scoop has written up a day in the life of a search optimiser which gives some hints into what those SEO types do with their time. Its actually got some remarkably similar features to what my daily rhythm can look like as a blogger and will give you some ...more
Search Engine Optimization
URL info – Analyze and Improve your Blog
11th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

URL info – Analyze and Improve your Blog

URL info is one of the most useful tools for probloggers that I’ve recently stumbled upon. It may not look overly sexy when you first surf into it but this simple page has 107 useful tools for you to analyze and improve your site. They describe it as follows: URLinfo ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Beer Blog
9th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Beer Blog

The Brew Site is an interesting commercial blog focused upon Beer (sounds like my kind of blog!). They are basing their income stream at this stage around Adsense. I’ve done a little research into beer keywords and the ads should pay reasonably well and the topic is one which should ...more
Case Studies
Blogs for Lawyers
9th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blogs for Lawyers

Feedmelegal> has a good post on how blogs can be useful for lawyers. ‘How can lawyers benefit from the use of weblogs? Feedmelegal does not intend to repeat at length what has been written by others, but to summarise and to an extent build on the insightful thinking that has ...more
Business Blogging
Blogging for Dollars – CFO Magazine – October Issue 2004 –
9th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blogging for Dollars – CFO Magazine – October Issue 2004 –

It seems that articles about how executives are blogging are appearing every day now – here is another one – Blogging for Dollars ‘Once the domain of the disgruntled and demented, Web logs are being embraced by business executive… In an earlier time, say 2000, managers at Microsoft didn’t appear ...more
Business Blogging
Study: Growth in Worldwide Ad Spend Led by Internet
9th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Study: Growth in Worldwide Ad Spend Led by Internet

Online expenditure on Advertising is expected to continue to rise according to this report: ‘U.K.-based media research firm ZenithOptimedia expects the growth of Internet ad expenditures to outpace other media worldwide, while advertiser confidence holds steady. According to ZenithOptimedia’s quarterly global ad forecast, over the next two years, newspapers, magazines, ...more