Unique Titles for Each Page of your Blog
5th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Unique Titles for Each Page of your Blog

Good post over at Search Engine Roundtable on the importance Unique Titles for Each Page of your Site (Blog). I can’t agree with the post more – I have all my blogs set up this way (ie the title of my post becomes the title of my page) and noticed ...more
Blog Design
Why Weblogs work so good at site promotion
5th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Why Weblogs work so good at site promotion

Sohosad has a good post on Why Weblogs work so good at site promotion. Complete with cool little pictures!
Blog Promotion
BlogAds: Is There Life after Nov. 2?
5th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

BlogAds: Is There Life after Nov. 2?

‘The outfit, which sells ads on Web logs, has enjoyed this year’s burst of interest in political sites, but it needs a post-election plan…. ‘Copeland’s company sells ads to run on more than 500 blogs, including political specialists like InstaPundit and DailyKos. After Sept. 20, he says, business went through ...more
The Adsense Shuffle – Is it time for a Direct Debit Payment System?
4th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Adsense Shuffle – Is it time for a Direct Debit Payment System?

With the arrival of September’s Adsense cheque today (its now November 4) I find myself doing what I like to call the ‘Adsense Shuffle’. As a non US citizen cashing my cheque is becoming an increasingly difficult prospect. You see not only do I have to arrange for my cheque ...more
8 Year Old ProBlogger blogs for a Horse
4th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

8 Year Old ProBlogger blogs for a Horse

8 year old Delaney is a ProBlogger. Her new blog – Horseshues.com is an attempt to buy her a horse (and teach her a few lessons in web design, business and creativity along the way). The concept is simple – she takes old horseshoes and she decorates them and sells ...more
Case Studies
Paying bloggers: Participating in the conversation
3rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Paying bloggers: Participating in the conversation

There is a couple of interesting articles the last few days on the topic of blogging for dollars starting over at Red Herring Blog who is writing about Paying bloggers: Participating in the conversation. He’s got some helpful things to say on the topic and suggests a way forward: ‘Pay ...more
Pro Blogging News
Do hits matter?
3rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Do hits matter?

‘The problem with blogs that are only intended to attract traffic is that they can’t survive in the long-run. Traffic statistics keep bloggers going for a while, but the numbers eventually stabilise: there can only be a 100,000 most popular 100,000 websites. The world just doesn’t have enough internet users ...more
Blog Promotion
SEO Strategy – Content or Links?
3rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

SEO Strategy – Content or Links?

Blog Business World has a good post looking at two theories of search engine optimization – generating keyword rich content and good linking strategy. Is one more important than the other or do they work together? ‘Keyword rich content will get you part way to your destination atop the search ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Does The Update: What’s New?
3rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google Does The Update: What’s New?

‘Google has (once again) updated its search algorithm, panicking webmasters everywhere. What will happen to those high rankings you’ve worked so hard to achieve? Wayne explains what you need to do to raise your score with search engines (and your site visitors) regardless of any software changes. Google has finally ...more
Search Engine Optimization