Average Blogger makes $20 to $50 per Month
24th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Average Blogger makes $20 to $50 per Month

WebPro New has an article on the rise of blogging and estimates that the average blogger is making $20 to $50 each month. I’m not sure how they come to this figure – I know many bloggers, 90% of whom make nothing from their blog. Another 9% might make a ...more
Pro Blogging News
Google Vs. Adsense Fraudsters
23rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google Vs. Adsense Fraudsters

Google is sending a message to its publishers about click fraud and is suing one of its clients this week in an effort to recoup loss incurred by false clicking – but is also no doubt hoping to send a warning to those cheating the system that they are serious ...more
Google Moves to Continual Indexing
23rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google Moves to Continual Indexing

‘If you’ve noticed that Google seems to be updating their index more frequently than once a month, you’re not alone. Clint Dixon observed this as well. In this article he discusses how this changes the world for website owners, search engine optimizers, and anyone else trying to get on the ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How big is the Blogosphere?
23rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How big is the Blogosphere?

Clickz has a good article on the size of the Blogosphere which continues to grow. ‘The size of the blogosphere has doubled every five months over the last year and a half, according to blog analysis firm Technorati. Over that time, blogs have gone from being a word that sounded ...more
Pro Blogging News
Services to Ping When you Update your Blog
22nd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Services to Ping When you Update your Blog

Over the past year I’ve collected a list of services to ping when you update your blog. Here is a list of those I have so far. There are heaps more out there – you might also like to head over to Jeremy’s Services to Ping list also where he’s ...more
Blog Promotion
Tech Bloggers Wanted – AdverBlogging
22nd of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Tech Bloggers Wanted – AdverBlogging

Jeremy Wright’s employees are looking for tech bloggers willing to blog for a few dollars. ‘The company I do the majority of my writing for is looking to open half a dozen topical blogs. The content output expectations are fairly low. These are ‘entry level’ blogging positions. The positions are ...more
Other Income Streams
Google sees benefits in corporate blogging
20th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google sees benefits in corporate blogging

‘Google, which implemented an internal web log system behind its firewall about 18 months ago, has seen tremendous benefits from it and may in the future consider providing tools and expertise for this purpose to interested clients, Google said. Google deployed an internal blog for its employees shortly after acquiring ...more
Business Blogging
Writing and Blogging Opportunities – California Chronicle & American Chronicle
20th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Writing and Blogging Opportunities – California Chronicle & American Chronicle

Here is an opportunity for bloggers to get their name and writing into the public eye a little more – it doesn’t pay anything but the side benefits could make it worthwhile: ‘The California Chronicle family of online magazines is offering writing opportunities for authors and bloggers to publish with ...more
Blog Promotion
9rules Blog Network
19th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

9rules Blog Network

A friend recently suggested I take a look at the 9rules Network of blogs run by Paul Scrivens. Paul, like many bloggers, didn’t set out to create a blog network, but rather found himself creating more and more site, out of which a network emerged. He bases his blogging on ...more
Case Studies