How AdSense Premium Publishers Boost their CTR by 500%
Have you ever wondered what the benefits of being a premium publisher on the Google Adsense program are? Google don’t say to much about it on their website. You have to achieve ‘5 million search queries or 20 million content page views a month’ to qualify, which puts most of ...more
Professional Blogger Association – Some Observations
I’m really happy to see the caliber of Professional Bloggers Association’s Founding Team Members – whilst some have critiqued having such an association I’m pleased that it seems to be moving ahead. They’ve named a board and voted on office bearers which is a good first step and now have ...more
Pro Blogging News
Returning to Blog Ethics
Jeff Jarvis is taking another stab at the blogging and ethics question and this time tries to take a different approach –‘Some of us have been looking at this ethics question the wrong way: The starting point is not to impose a code of ethics on a medium but instead ...more
Blog News
Blogathon – 24 hours of Blogging for the children of the Tsunami
Thanks for all those who stopped by the
Pro Blogging News
Pitch me Your Posts
This time tomorrow I will have been blogging for 7 hours straight in my blogathon to raise money for the Tsunami appeal, I’ll have added around 30 entries and I just know that I’ll be starting to wonder where the next 70 will come from. So this is a call ...more
Blog Promotion
Journalism’s Critique of Blogging – A Great PR Tool
Interesting piece over at What Next Blog looking at the way the Wall St. Journal and New York Times are Still Dissing Bloggers. ‘It went on to create tension by saying that “Bloggers push stories and theories that make big media look slow, defensive or part of some far-fetched conspiracy.” ...more
Blog Promotion
BlogMine -Content, Clicks, Cash!
Another blog revenue stream has been announced – this time its whose motto is ‘Content, Clicks Cash!’ Their main service is ‘GoldRush’. ‘GoldRush makes you money. It analyzes the blog’s content and provides text ads targeted to your content and your audience. No need to worry about irrelevant ads ...more
Google to Kill Blog Comment Spam?
Steve Rubel points to a rumored announcement of a system of blocking Google’s bots reading your comments – thereby taking the incentive for comment spammers to leave comments. ‘But since then several bloggers have reported that Winer was testing a new Google linking mechanism that might put an end to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Technorati Tags for Dummies
Everyone is talking about Tags at the moment. With the launch of Technorati’s new Tag service it is no wonder that they are because it is a technology that has the potential to change the way we find and interact with one another’s content. Rather than rewrite what has already ...more
Pro Blogging News