PB108: What To Do When Someone Steals Your Blog Content
Note: this episode is available to listen to in the player above, on iTunes and Stitcher Seven Steps That Can Combat Content Thieves Today’s podcast was inspired by a question from Grant. He asks:“I just discovered another blog is republishing my content in full on their site. They seem to ...more
Creating Content
How to Create a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan for Your WordPress Blog
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. Have you ever lost something important? Maybe your computer froze just before you hit “save” on a document, or maybe a sudden accidental coffee spill fried your hard drive. Whatever the problem may be, without a backup of information contained on a ...more
5 Reasons Why Your Digital Marketing Sucks
This is a guest contribution from Andy Nathan. I’m sure you want me to rag on you and tell you exactly what you did wrong, right? After all, you just spent your day working yourself to the bone to get ahead. Who wants someone to spit in their face and ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Use Affiliate Programs to Boost Your Income Stream
Affiliate marketing can often go two ways – it can crawl along earning you a frustrating few cents here and there, or it can be a healthy part of your overall earnings (just look at Pat Flynn!) when done right. If you are not familiar with the concept you can learn ...more
PB107: Affiliate Marketing Tips – What Links to Use in Your Emails
Note: this episode is available to listen to in the player above, on iTunes and Stitcher Affiliate Marketing Tips and What Links to Use in Your Emails Today I’m going to talk about affiliate marketing and where the links should point to when sending an email promoting a product to ...more
Making money
How to Use Your Inner Contrarian to Generate Endless Content Ideas
This is a guest contribution from Matt Clough. Whether your blog falls within a niche with apparently endless opportunities or a dreaded “boring” one, the one thing that all bloggers (and writers in general) come up against at some point or another is writer’s block. You might have covered every conceivable ...more
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Hello! Welcome to our brand spankin’ new site (how awesome is it!) for your Saturday roundup. So much to see and do around here, the new portals to help you find what you’re looking for faster, easier navigation, a cleaner, more modern design, and everything in one place. I hope ...more
Blog News
7 Tips to Help You on Your Way to Blogging Full Time
Recently a listener asked me about my journey into full time blogging, and I wanted to expand on my answers in a podcast episode, as it’s a question that gets raised a lot. Charlotte asked: “When did you make the transition from blogging being just a hobby to blogging as ...more
Blogging for Dollars