Grab Your Earlybird Tickets to ProBlogger Evolve Conference and Mastermind Today
Today tickets go on sale for ProBlogger Evolve – two events in Australia for bloggers. Yes you read that correctly – after 7 previous years of one event per year – we’re trying something new by running two events in two cities over two weekends. We’re calling it ProBlogger Evolve ...more
How SEO Can Help Your Blog Rank Well
In the final part of our three-part series on the What, Why and How of SEO and how it can be used to improve your blog’s rankings, we’ll be exploring how SEO can help your blog rank well. Ranking well in the major search engines means added visibility for your blog. Visibility ...more
Search Engine Optimization
186: A Step-By-Step Guide to How I Write a Blog Post
How I Write a Blog Post – My Step-By-Step Process Today, I want to walk you through my step by step process for writing a blog post! I get asked about this regularly over in the ProBlogger podcast listeners Facebook group. So today I put together some notes on the ...more
Creating Content
5 Healthy Work Practices for a ProBlogger
As a part-time blogger and homeschooling mother of three, I often get asked: “How do you do it all?!” In the past, I usually ran through a few different answers: I have had a regular cleaner at times; I usually do my shopping online to save time; I rarely watch ...more
How To Get Started With Free Travel When Your Blog is Brand New
This is a guest contribution from Dan Bagby of Honeymoon Always. Many travel bloggers start blogging with dreams of getting free travel around the world. Last year, I set out with the goal to see what it would take to make that a reality – and I was surprised at how ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Grow Your Fitness Blog to 100,000 Monthly Visitors in Less than a Year
By Alex Chris of How do you build a successful fitness blog? What does it take to start a blog and grow the traffic to 100K monthly visitors in less than a year? If you have a fitness blog or planning to start one or even if you are ...more
Blog Promotion
185: How to Get a Blogging Job
How to Apply for a Blogging Job In today’s lesson, I want to talk about finding a job as a blogger – particularly how to apply for a blogging job. Back in 2006 I noticed I started getting a lot of two types of emails: People wanting to hire bloggers ...more
Making money
Community Discussion: Analysis of Your Most Popular Post
So here at ProBlogger we love to look at what has been successful and what hasn’t in terms of content, and learn from it. There is always something to be taken away from each experience, and it’s important to know the difference. There have been times when something unexpected has ...more
Community Discussion
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Ok so after reading these articles this week, I’ve prioritised my tasks: double my podcast downloads, and revisit Pinterest. What’s yours? The Most Annoying Things Brands Do on Social Media | Marketing Profs Are you annoying people by being overly salesy? What about using too much jargon? A couple of ...more
Pro Blogging News