How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for August/September 2010
Since April this year I’ve been putting together income reports for my own business to try to give readers a sense of how bloggers make money blogging from a variety of sources. It’s been a couple of months since I gave an update, so today I’m going to cover both ...more
Blogging for Dollars

The 7 Deadly Fears of Blogging and How to Overcome Them
This guest post is by Nathan Hangen of Build Your Digital Empire. I remember back to early 2008, when I’d just started blogging, that even though I had great ambitions, my knowledge, expertise, and confidence as a blogger was sorely lacking. I stumbled through my blogging career for over a ...more

7 Reasons Why $7 Products Rock
This guest post is by Steve Martile of Freedom Education. I currently charge $400 monthly for one-on-one coaching. That’s a hefty price tag for some people, even though I know some coaches who charge up to $10,000 per month, which makes my coaching look like a bargain. One prospective client ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Blog Karma: How Good Blogging Deeds Can Spike Your Traffic
This is a guest post by Joshua Noerr of JoshuaNoerr.com. Since I was very young, I was told, and shown, the importance of giving back and doing things for other people. I’ve always felt that the highest measure of a person’s character is the degree of service they are willing ...more
Blog Promotion

ProBlogger the Book: Audio Version Available
The second edition of the ProBlogger book (hard cover) came out earlier this year and enjoyed some great reviews (you can read what was new in the second edition here). It also came out in a Kindle version at the same time, but in the last few months another version ...more
ProBlogger Site News

5 Life Skills You Already Have that Can Make You a Great Blogger
This guest post is by Sarah Von from Yes and Yes. If you’ve just started a blog you are, no doubt, using your best Google-fu to hunt down every last post giving advice to novice bloggers. There’s heaps of great information out there, but it can get a bit overwhelming ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Join the 2010 More Buyers Mastermind
The make money online segment of the blogosphere has had its fair share of dubious characters selling their wares over the last few years. However one guy that has consistently produced both valuable and helpful content as well as being a true gentleman and ethical business person is Dave Navaro. ...more
Pro Blogging News

7 Ways to Find Inspiration: Think Outside the Blog
A Guest Post by Amy Parmenter from The ParmFarm.com. Have you ever wondered how Darren and other A-list bloggers generate so much fabulous content? It just seems to come pouring out: day after day, month after month, year after year, there is a constant flow of information and inspiration. Meanwhile, ...more
Writing Content

Temporary Blogs: Blogs as Stepping Stones
Lately I’ve been chatting to a number of bloggers whose blogs have dropped off the radar. I’d been disappointed (as a reader) that they’d stopped blogging and I’d secretly been thinking of it as a “failure” of sorts….
Video Posts