Influence, Cash, or Hobby: Which Blogging Choice Is Right for You?
This guest post is by Brandon Connell of brandonconnell.com When I first started a blog that I took seriously, it was to promote an ebook that I had published on Amazon’s Digital Text platform. Initially, I wanted the blog to be my “author’s headquarters,” but soon after, I realized what ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What Do You Do with Posts When You Change Your Opinion?
A few days ago, personal development blogger Alex Shalman sent me a question that I thought might be a good discussion starter. He asked: I feel like after many years of blogging that my opinions have changed. That’s natural, and in most cases it’s okay to have that archive of ...more
Reader Questions

Macbook Air 11.6 Inch Laptop: First Impression Review
Anyone following me on Twitter will have probably seen me um-ing and ah-ing about whether to buy an 11 inch Macbook Air. I did! And this is my review, having used it for ten days. Note: I’m not really a technical person so don’t expect too much from that perspective. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

9 Practical Ways to Start Attracting an Audience to Your New Social Media Account
Last week we talked about what type of social media account you should set up. Regardless of which you choose, you’ll want to start building an audience straight away. Remember, the value in social media is the depth of the personal connections you make, not the number of people who ...more
Social Media

Monthly Trends + 10 Tips for a Flawless Linking Strategy
To link or not to link—that is the question. What should you link to in your blog posts? How many outbound links should you have? When and why should you use links?
Blog News

7 Emotions that Trigger Reader Action
Earlier in the week I wrote an email to ProBlogger PLUS subscribers that talked about deepening reader engagement by aiming at the hearts of your readers. In it, I shared an example from FeelGooder of a personal story post that I wrote that got a great reaction from readers. As ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

I Am Not a Blogger, I Am a Human Being!
This guest post is by Katie Tallo of Momentum Gathering. I’ve developed a tweet. It’s involuntary and annoying. My vision’s distorted. All I’m seeing are the letters S, E and O. Worse, I think I’m losing my mind because I don’t know who some of my friends are—at all—no idea ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A 5-Day Course to Help You Create Killer Content for Under $30!
Later today the first ever ProBlogger Academy short course, “Creating Killer Content for your Blog,” goes live. Have you joined yet? It’s going to be an exciting week. Chris Garrett and I have put together some great content and are looking forward to interacting with students. This five-module course will ...more
ProBlogger Site News

When’s the Best Time to Publish Blog Posts?
This guest post is by HubSpot’s social media scientist, Dan Zarrella. Of all the data analysis that I’ve done, day-of-week and time-of-day data has been consistently the most popular. So in preparation for my upcoming webinar, titled Science of Blogging, I decided to combine all of my existing data on ...more
Social Media