Use YouTube to Build Your Blog’s Audience
This guest post s by David Edwards of Candy. For most people who are in their first year of launching a blog, it seems like a headache just to reach 1,000 unique visitors. I would have been in the same boat if it wasn’t for You Tube. I put more ...more
Blog Promotion

10 David Ogilvy Quotes that Could Revolutionize Your Blogging
This week, I’ve been reading The King of Madison Avenue—an interesting biography of ad man David Ogilvy (aff). I’ve always been fascinated with Ogilvy and see a lot in what he’s done as relevant to bloggers. So here’s some of his more famous quotes, with a few thoughts on how ...more
Featured Posts

Use Google Reading Level to Improve Your Blog Message
This guest post is by Rhys Wynne of the Winwar Media Blog. Last month, Google launched its new Google Reading Level feature. What this does is algorithmically work out the reading level of the search results, to help users more easily decide which search results to click on. How is ...more
Writing Content

Understanding the Difference Between “Want” and “Want to Buy”
This guest post is by Ryan Barton of The Smart Marketing Blog. As I was sitting at a café over breakfast, the couple nearby flipped through their Sunday paper. As I tend to do, I eavesdropped on their conversation. “Will you look at that bedding? That’s wonderful!” “Oh my God, ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Will Your Blog Be Big? Or Great?
This guest post is by Marjorie Clayman of Clayman Advertising. Recently, it was announced that Richard Thompson was going to be awarded the OBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Your response, in any order, might be, “Who cares?” and “Who is Richard Thompson?” Richard Thompson has a career in music ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

You Have a Niche! You Just Don’t Know It Yet
This guest post is by Heather Eigler of HomeToHeather.com Yes, you do have a niche. You’ve likely read it a thousand times on blogs about blogging. Two of the number one pieces of advice are ‘choose your niche wisely’ and ‘write what you know.’ So what if you aren’t wise ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Social Media … or Social Blogmarking?
This is a guest post by Devesh of Blokube. What is “blogmarking”? Many of us already use and understand social media, but very few of us tap into the great and growing potential of social blogmarking sites. Blogmarking is the process of you bookmarking your blog post on a blog ...more
Social Media

Time Management for Travel Bloggers … and Others
This guest post is written by Matthew Kepnes of Nomadic Matt’s Travel Site. While I hate the name, I am, to some degree, a digital nomad. I spend my time traveling the world and working as I go. By that very definition, I’m a digital nomad. But unlike most other ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

5 Fast Tips to Improve Internal Links
This guest post was written by James Hay, Social Media Coordinator for Fasthosts Internet Ltd. Playing to your strengths is an important part of SEO, and before going out and spending all day endlessly pursuing external links, it is important to look at your own site. You control what is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips