Use a Facebook Campaign to Find New Fans
This guest post is by Matt Robison of Propdrop Web Development and Marketing. In mid-April of 2010, I officially launched Pitbulls.org, a site for Pit Bull owners to connect with other owners and read accurate training and health information about their pets. At the same time it would help curb ...more
Social Media

How to Create an Instant Yes
This guest post is by Goddess Leonie of GoddessGuidebook.com. Over the last three years, I’ve launched fifteen rounds of ecourses, four meditation kits, and two workbooks. It’s been a delicious combination of spectacular, exciting, and exhausting. The thing about my business is that I adore creating new products. I love ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Is Advertising Revenue Dead as a Blogging Income Stream?
Earlier in the week I observed a conversation between two Internet marketing bloggers on Twitter which grabbed my attention. The topic of conversation? Monetizing blogs by selling advertising directly to advertisers. Their conclusion on the topic? It’s a dead and obsolete method of making money. It was a fascinating conversation ...more

The Better Blogging Formula: Think, Do, Write
This is a guest post by Tyler Tervooren of Advanced Riskology. Have you ever gotten an amazing idea for a blog post, spent hours putting it together, and then released your work of art to the world … only for it to fall flat on its face? No comments, no ...more
Writing Content

Aussies: Win a Trip to Africa to Blog for Good
It’s been a couple of weeks since I returned home from my Tanzanian Blogging for Social Good trip. I reflected to a friend this morning that the trip changed me on many levels – both personally but also as I reflect upon how blogging and social media can be used ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Mastering the Moments that Matter
This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja—a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we! Ask any seasoned marketer which is easier—finding new customers, or selling to existing ones—and you’ll always hear the same answer: it’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Overcoming Blogger Fright
“I don’t think I have what it takes to put myself ‘out there’ every day.” “Who would want to read what I have to say?” “Do you ever get used to the fact that strangers are reading what you write?” “I don’t think I have enough ego to do this!” ...more
Featured Posts

Choose a Blogging Niche You Can Expand On for Life
This guest post is by Ronique Gibson of Freshome. After one year, I have written 773 blog posts about one topic: your home. After 240 posts for Freshome, 430 posts for Stagetecture, and 103 posts for various ghost writing and personal blog clients, the numbers don’t seem real to me, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Leveraging 101: Make the Most of Others’ Skills
This guest post is by Brandon Connell of brandonconnell.com. Leverage is something I have used my entire life. It was what I used when I bought a 5,000 square foot mansion with zero down, bad credit, and had the seller finance the deal 100%. Fortunately, I was easily able to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips