Experiment Your Way to Blogging Success
This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. Forming an emotional attachment to any component of your website is dangerous and unwise. Did you know that the smallest changes can have a massive impact on your results? Human psychology is very sensitive to minute details—this means that your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Is “Ooh, Shiny!” Destroying Your Blog?
This is the story of a blogger. He started his blog, taught himself about copywriting, and figured out who the one person he was writing for really was. He worked his tail off creating content. But his blog was a ghost town. There were no visitors, no comments … nothing. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Get Your Guest Posts Accepted Every Time
This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. Maybe you’ve written guest posts, but they’ve been turned down. Maybe you don’t feel brave enough to target a big blog, because you’re afraid of rejection. You might see names popping up around the blogosphere with guest posts everywhere: I remember ...more
Blog Promotion

5 Product Creation Mistakes Most Bloggers Make
This guest post is by Henri Junttila of WakeUpCloud.com. Creating your own products can take you from earning a few dollars a month to a few thousand. It can be scary, but as you learn to take action, and learn from the feedback you receive, you get better and better. ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Never Used a Sales Video? Now’s Your Chance!
If you’re a regular here at ProBlogger, you know that I often post videos on the blog. I love doing video posts—it’s fun, it’s something a bit different, and it’s a good way to really reach out to my readers. I think videos provide bloggers with a good opportunity to ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Four Ways to Make a Captivating First Impression with Your Blog In a Reader’s Market
This guest post is by Bill Post of 123Print.com Business Card Design. In real estate, first impressions are everything. Even though the color of the front door would be easy and affordable to repaint, it’s one of the first things a potential buyer notices. If your door is red and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Everything’s Already Been Said. Now What?
This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. Over the course of human history, nearly everything has already been written about extensively. Despite this, more people are writing than ever before. It’s because there will always be more to say. It is very challenging to write completely original ...more
Writing Content

June is ’31 Days to Build a Better Blog’ Challenge at SITSgirls – Join them Today
If you’ve been blogging for a while now but feel ‘stuck’ – there’s a group of bloggers about to take the ‘31 Days to Build a Better Blog‘ challenge that you really should consider joining. The Group is SITSGirls – a blogging community with over 8000 women bloggers – and ...more
Pro Blogging News

Behind the Scenes of Our New Ebook Launch at FeelGooder
It’s been six months since I launched my latest blog—FeelGooder—and today it’s entering a new phase, so I thought it might be time for a bit of an update. You might remember back in November we launched FeelGooder and I outlined some of the backstory here on ProBlogger. The blog ...more
Case Studies