Why “International” Bloggers Have an Unfair Advantage
This guest post is by Lucas Kleinschmitt of German Efficiency. If you’re in the blogging business, not being a native English speaker can be tough. The market in your home country will often be small, there may not be a culture of buying things online, and it can be difficult ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Building Blogs is Like Building Muscles
“Building blogs is like building muscles—in order for them to grow you need to use them.” I tweeted the above statement a few weeks back and it got so much traction I decided to create this video on the topic. The idea for the video came out of the a ...more
Video Posts

How to Keep Your Blog Active While Traveling
This guest post is by Norbert Figueroa of GloboTreks. For many, keeping a blog is a full-time commitment, especially if you want to keep your readers active and engaged with what you have to say. This often means spending long hours day after day creating content, commenting, promoting, and networking ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Top 20 iPhone Apps for Bloggers
This guest post is by Daniel Scocco of Next iPhone News. The Internet changes pretty fast, and if you want to have a popular blog, you must keep up with it. What if you get an awesome idea for a new post while at dinner? What if an important news breaks ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Should Kids Blog?
This guest post is by Onibalusi Bamidele of YoungPrePro.com. Do you know that over 6 million underage children write blogs with or without their parents’ consent? As a 17 year old blogger, I’ll be giving you my opinion on “kid blogging” here, and I hope by the time you finish ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging for the Greater Good
This guest post is by Michele C. Hollow of Pet News and Views. My most popular blog post garnered over 500 comments. I asked my readers to leave a comment about their adopted pet. For each comment, a leading pet food manufacturer donated 25 bowls of food to a local ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A Blog, a Book and a Business: One Author’s Journey
This guest post is by Kevin Cullis of MacStartup.com. I don’t like writing. Or should I say, I used to not like writing. My reason? I found no reason to write other than writing a college paper or something for work; it was a requirement; I had to do it. ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Optimize the Most Underutilized Page of Your Blog
This guest post is by Richard Adams Whilst it’s easy to get excited about crafting your latest blog post it’s far less likely you’ll be kept awake at night thinking about your blog’s Contact page. Indeed many bloggers don’t even bother to add a Contact page to their blog at ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Perils and Pitfalls of Blogging in College
This guest post is by Rob Paone of BROcrastinator. In March of 2010, during my sophomore year at Elon University, I started a blog called the Jersey Jets Fan as a way to exercise my passion for professional football. What originally started as a hobby evolved into much more than ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips