Finding Your Passion For Your Ideal Business
This guest post is by Lori Meyer of listbuildingwithlori.com. I wanted to chat with you about passion and how it can make or break your online business. Most online entrepreneurs create squeeze pages and blogs that target desperate niches and people who are looking for answers to their problems. But how ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

5 Ways I’m Using LinkedIn – to Drive Traffic, Build Community, Generate Sales and Build Influence
Not a day goes by when we don’t see Twitter and Facebook as being talked about as essential social networks for bloggers to be investing time into – but over the last few months I’ve been investing a little extra time into another social network – one that I wonder ...more
Social Media

What to Do When You’re so Boring You’re Boring Yourself
This guest post is by freelance writer Jocelyn Anne. Have you ever finished one of your own blogs written by yours truly and finished the dang thing bored out of your own mind? To the point where it’s too painful to even re-read it for basic proofing? Well if you ...more
Writing Content

Ramit Sethi: I Will Teach You To Monetize (In 6 Steps)
This guest post is by Michael Alexis. They thought that I cared about making $300 or $500 a month. Honestly, I didn’t give a damn about that. — Ramit Sethi, iwillteachyoutoberich.com How many of your readers tell you that you have to monetize your blog? Do they call you crazy ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Who Else Wants to Sell More Ebooks?
This morning I was doing some reports on eBbook sales over the last few years and it struck me how much difference there can be in terms of numbers of sales from one ebook to the next—even ebooks sold on the same blog. On dPS we have now launched six ...more
Other Income Streams

The Pimp, the Grocer and the Hit Man: Magnetise Your Headings Using the Power of the Unexpected
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Ageofmarketing.com. In addition to death and taxes, there is another bitter pill you have to swallow as a blogger. It is that pimps, grocers and hit men all have an unfair advantage when it comes to commanding attention in the marketplace. Be ...more
Writing Content

The Secret Fairytale Magic to Irresistible Blog Posts
This guest post is by Amy of Harrisonamy.com From Jack and the Beanstalk, to Little Red Riding Hood, to Cinderella, fairytales have been enchanting audiences for thousands of years. They are constantly being retold, modified and even made into blockbuster movies. Despite their apparent simplicity, they enrapture and engage audiences ...more
Writing Content

Sell $20,000 Worth of Your Next Ebook
This guest post is by Sarah Mae of MarketandSellYourEbook.com. Marketing is the act of buying or selling in a market. Where is your market? Do you have one? Do you own one? Do you shop at one? In the new world of invisible wires where connections are made 24/7 all ...more
Blog Promotion

Lovely Little Leaps of Faith
This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja—a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we! For most people, spending money isn’t an automatic thing. You’ve worked hard for your money, and when you’re about to part ...more
Blogging for Dollars