Why You Should Never Comment on Blogs. Ever.
This guest post is by David Hartstein of Wired Impact. I’m sure you’ve heard well-reasoned, logical arguments for why you should be commenting on blogs: “You can be a part of the conversation happening out there.” “You can build your own authority.” “You can drive traffic to your blog.” But, ...more
Blog Promotion

Usable Content: a Blogger’s Introduction
You’ve probably heard of usability. Back in the day, when the web was wild(er) and free(r), usability proponents like Jakob Nielsen encouraged site owners to stop doing things like displaying yellow text on black backgrounds, shun the Blink and Marquee tags, and focus on helping users do what they wanted ...more
Writing Content

“Most Recommended” by Blogging Geniuses at WordCamp Boston
This guest post is by Marci Reynolds of marcireynolds.com. The July 2011 WordPress WordCamp Boston rocked! Hundreds of eager WordPress users gathered to watch more than 40 speakers who presented on topics from social media to themes to shortcodes to security. I took detailed notes as I listened, watched and ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

4 Tips for Pitching Guest Posts Like a Pro
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Ageofmarketing.com. Since launching my blog in Mid-may 2011, I have guest posted on a number of A-list blogs in the blogging and online marketing niches (including ProBlogger, MarketingProfs, and Daily Blog Tips). In doing so, I have learned some important lessons in ...more
Blog Promotion

Six Things I Learned in My First Six Months as a Problogger
This is a Guest Post by John Saddington of TentBlogger. Like many professional bloggers, my journey started years ago, as I dabbled in blogging for myself and for my friends. I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but it did—the date doesn’t matter much here. And, to be completely honest, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Be a Good Guest Post Host
This guest post is by LJ Earnest of SimpleProductivityBlog.com. You often see articles about how to be a good guest poster: things you can do to make an impression and get your post published. But what about the flip-side of that? Do you have what it takes to be a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

When’s the Right Time to Start Selling?
This guest post is by k out Brandon Yanofsk of B-List Marketing. If you’ve ever asked another blogger, “When’s the right time to start selling on my blog?”, you’ll know you never get a solid answer. Some say as soon as you get one person visiting your blog. Some say ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Blogging for the Inspired Soul
This guest post is by Lori Meyer of www.soulcomfortofficialsite.com. Ask any top blogger why they blog and they’ll tell you it’s because they’re passionate about what they do. It shows in their work. It shows through the number of blog followers they have. It shows through the multitude of comments ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Absolutely Everything You Need To Make Your Blog Outstanding
This guest post is by Ollin Morales of Courage 2 Create. Nearly a year and a half ago, I was a complete mess. I had lost my job in the recession, my then boyfriend broke up with me, I didn’t get into grad school, and I had to guide a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips