Boost Your Blog #2: Start an Email Newsletter
Continuing our discussion of things you could be doing right now to boost your blog, today’s tip is: 2. Start an email newsletter This is another tactic that I know many bloggers are convinced of. But for one reason or another it’s seen as something they’ll do “one day”—maybe when ...more
Blog Promotion

The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing – 31 Steps to a Profitable Blog
Today we’re launching a brand new ProBlogger Resource – something we’ve been working on for many months now – The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing – 31 Steps to a Profitable Blog. It is a Kit that is all about helping you create an income that sustains your blog. Created ...more
ProBlogger Site News

11 Blog Proofreading Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore
This guest post is by Luke Palder of ProofreadingServices.Us. It should come as no surprise that writing for a blog is different from writing for other types of media. Blogs are free to read and there are tons of them, so people tend to decide very quickly if they’d like ...more
Writing Content

Boost Your Blog #1: Create a Product
Yesterday I gave an example of something I’d been putting off doing to improve my blog—even though I knew it would have long-term benefits. Today I want to continue on that theme and being to suggest a number of areas that bloggers could be investing time into today—and enjoying payoffs ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Take Vacation Time From Your Blogging Business
This guest post is by Stephanie Foster of Home With the Kids. I did something recently I haven’t done in a long time. I took a vacation from my blogging business just about entirely. For once on vacation, I didn’t spend the evenings making up for lost time. I didn’t ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

My Best Product, My Best Launch, My Best Month – Ninjafied
Last week the mysterious Web Marketing Ninja released a free PDF mind map here on ProBlogger (with accompanying video) that walked readers through his in depth strategies for turning a Blog into a Business. The feedback from that MindMap and video were great and I had a steady flow of ...more
Other Income Streams

Spice Up Your Blog with a Virtual Blogging Team
This guest post is by Luis Cruz of Pepper Virtual Assistant. Blogging is simple. You produce quality content, react to commenters, watch your stats grow, rinse, repeat. Blogging is also labor-intensive, time-consuming, and tiring. Producing quality content regularly can be draining, managing comments can get exhausting, and don’t even get ...more
Writing Content

What Are You Putting Off Doing Today that Could Significantly Improve Your Blog Tomorrow (And Beyond)?
Do you put off doing things on your blog that you know you really should invest time into? I do. Yesterday I was out walking and found myself thinking about my “I’ll do it one day” list. It struck me that there were a lot of things on that list, ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Email Your Blog Updates Like a ProBlogger
This guest pst is by Martyn Chamberlin of Two Hour Blogger. “When you work with words … words are your work.”—Don Knotts I assume you know a lot about blogging. You know how to set up a blog, you know how to write. You know how to tweet and share. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services