Get More Out of Google+
20th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Get More Out of Google+

This guest post is by Matthew Weber of When I first started blogging in early 2010, I was relatively new to social media. I had been a member of Facebook since 2004, but I was not using it to promote myself or my content: I was using to stalk ...more
Social Media
10 Surefire Ways to Overcome Blogging Procrastination
19th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

10 Surefire Ways to Overcome Blogging Procrastination

This guest post is by Marelisa Fábrega of the Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online. If you keep telling yourself that you’re going to start blogging on a regular basis, and that intention has failed to materialize, it’s highly probable that procrastination is the culprit. My favorite definition of procrastination is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Neil Patel’s Guide to Writing Popular Blog Posts
18th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Neil Patel’s Guide to Writing Popular Blog Posts

This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. Do you wish you knew the secret to writing popular blog posts? You know, the posts that get over 200 comments, 20 backlinks, and hundreds of shares on social networking sites? Over the past five years I’ve started two blogs. The ...more
Writing Content
Are You the Friend Who Never Shuts Up?
17th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Are You the Friend Who Never Shuts Up?

This guest post is by Daniel Smith of Propaganda House. You know who I’m talking about: that friend who makes you wince whenever you see them pop up on your phone, or makes you dread social events that you know they’re going to be at. They’re like Jerry’s friend Joel ...more
Social Media
65 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
16th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

65 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

This guest post is by Satrap of What is the best way to drive traffic to my site? What’s the fastest way to generate traffic to my site? What’s…? We all want to know the best way to drive the greatest amount of traffic to our sites. However, the ...more
Blog Promotion
6 Lessons I Learned Selling a $50,000 Website
15th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

6 Lessons I Learned Selling a $50,000 Website

This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. My hands were shaking like crazy and I had to focus very hard on entering my bank account information correctly. Just minutes prior a buyer had been approved for my website on Flippa (see the actual auction page here), and I ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Selling Without Website Broker? You’re Leaving Money on the Table
14th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Selling Without Website Broker? You’re Leaving Money on the Table

This guest post is by Jock Purtle of So you want to sell your blog? Your site is probably making more than $3,000 per month and you know that it might be worth a decent amount of money. Recent sales like that of the Huffington Post give you confidence ...more
7 Golden Rules: Blogging in English for Non-Native Speakers
13th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

7 Golden Rules: Blogging in English for Non-Native Speakers

This guest post is by Michael Schuermann of Easy Hiker. English is the language of the Internet. If you are the monoglot citizen of a country like Denmark, you are—through no fault of your own—restricted to an audience the size of metropolitan San Francisco. Even for the native speakers of ...more
Writing Content
A Month With BufferApp
12th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

A Month With BufferApp

This guest post is by Derek Land of On the recommendation of BufferApp from Misty Belardo I have incorporated BufferApp into my Twitter routine—my Routwine, if you will. It’s been very useful, but also brought some interesting thoughts to bear. (In this article I may use ‘Buffer’ and ‘BufferApp’ ...more
Social Media