Is Your Blog Ready for the Festive Season?
There are only 45 days until Christmas! It’s that time of year: the silly season is almost upon us: there’s only 15 days until Black Friday and 18 days until Cyber Monday. If you start preparing your blog for Christmas in December you’re probably too late. The Christmas rush starts ...more
Case Studies

How Link Building Can Help You Grow Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Sam Bowman (details below) Link building is one of the most popular and effective ways to expand your growth online. It is also considered an essential SEO step for bloggers. Having other blogs linking back to your own is a way of convincing Google you’re ...more
Blog Promotion

Creating Products: How to Launch Your Product
Darren says: It’s been a big month here at ProBlogger as we’ve worked through a series of posts exploring the topic of monetizing blogs through creating products. I hope you’ve found it helpful and feel equipped to create your next product. Today in a final instalment from Shayne and myself, ...more

Creating Products: How to Create Products for Your Blog
Today is part 4 in our ‘creating products’ series here at ProBlogger and now that we’ve done a lot of the ground work and decided on what product to create, we’re moving onto the all-important challenge of actually creating the product that we want to sell on our blog. This is ...more
Other Income Streams

Creating Products: Which Product Should You Create?
Darren says: Today Shayne Tilley continues our series on creating products for your blog by examining the important question of “what product should you create?” This is a question I know many ProBlogger readers are pondering because I get asked it many times. “Should I create an eBook, a course, a ...more

Creating Products: Before You Even Think About Creating Products, Think About This
Darren Says: Today we’re continuing our ‘creating products’ week here at ProBlogger by looking at some of the areas of groundwork you might need to do before or while creating a product. Our Marketing/Product Guru Shayne’s written this post but I’ll chime in along the way with some thoughts too.Over to ...more

The Ultimate Guide to Leaving Comments On Blogs
If you’ve ever read a post, book or eBook, or listened to a webinar or conference session on the topic of ‘finding readers for your blog’ you’ll have heard the advice: ‘Leave comments on other blogs‘ It was the first piece of advice I remember reading about building readership and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog
Only 1 out of every 100 Readers Comment on your Blog A Jakob Nielsen study once found that 90% of online community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing) with only 9% of users contributing ‘a little’ and 1% actively contributing. Are only 1% of your blog’s users are ...more
Build Community

2022 Genius Bloggers Toolkit
Every year thousands of bloggers buy The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit because it represents unbelievable value for a massive compilation of extremely useful blogging resources. The only catch – and the reason why they can sell this bundle so cheap – is that this offer is only available for a strictly limited ...more