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Blog Tips – Twitter Style [Competition]

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of January 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

Over this weekend I want to run a ‘little’ competition here at ProBlogger. I’m offering a ‘little’ prize (see below) and all you need to do to put yourself in the running for it is to submit a ‘little’ blog tip. Let me explain:

Lately I’ve been getting into Twitter (I’ll write a post in the coming week about what I’ve learned in the process).

The Competition

While there are numerous thinks that I like about Twitter – one is the challenge of getting something written in 140 characters.

While I wouldn’t want to write this way all of the time – it does make your pause before twittering something to think about what you want to communicate and how you can do it succinctly.

This forms the basis of this competition.

How to Enter

Your task is to write a blog tip that will help others blog better in 140 characters or less.

Your entry to this competition needs to be submitted as a comment below. You’re welcome to post it elsewhere also if you wish (Twitter, your Blog or anywhere else) – but only comments below will count for the prize.

Please start your comment with the keyword TwitterBlogTip – this isn’t counted in the 140 characters but will help us to defeat the spam filter which falsely moderates some comments as spam.

So what’s the prize?

This prize is actually a gift that was given to me late last year from Google AdSense. It was given to quite a few AdSense publishers so some of you already have one – but I know many of you missed out – so I’ll giveaway mine (it’s unused).

It’s a 2GB USB Flash Drive (pictured below – image courtesy of FishandClicks):

Google Usb 2007 2-1

I’ll pick one random but genuine entry from those comments submitted to win the prize – and as it’s so small I’m happy to ship it anywhere in the world – so feel free to enter wherever you are.

Entries close on Monday at midday (my time here in Melbourne – which is Sunday evening for many of you). I’ll announce the winner Monday.

UPDATE – this competition is now closed. I’ll announce a winner later today. Thanks to everyone for the amazing response. Some of the tips submitted are quite profound and I’ve learned a lot just from reading your responses.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Twitter fills in the gaps between blogs. It connects you with readers and lets them get to know you better. They will in turn read you more.

  2. TwitterBlogTip One must always examine their competitors, understand what they are doing and apply their techniques to their own blog. Then one can succeed

  3. TwitterBlogTip:

    “Let your computer read your blog post to you, and edit things that don’t sound quite right.”

  4. TwitterBlogTip:

    Blog generously. Write what encourages and inspires. Snide and edgy may seem cool: it’s not. Blog the best you possible, then live it.

  5. TwitterBlogTip:

    Sleep more. Not only will it refresh your mind, but the dreams make for some surreal, unique blog posts.

  6. TwitterBlogTip: Blog every day even if you don’t feel like it, search the blogosphere for contests like this and maybe Darren will mention you on this blog.

    The comment above contains exactly 140 characters, do I get extra points?

  7. TwitterBlogTip:

    “BLOGTIP” acronym:
    Bloggers Love Occasional Giveaways To Inspire Participation

  8. Twitterblogtip

    How to be concise. Twit the bottom line. 20 issue. 120 response.

  9. Inspire loyalty: lead with humility. write with humility. check your ego at the door.

  10. TwitterBlogTip:
    Inspire loyalty: lead with humility. write with humility. check your ego at the door.

  11. Hafiz Dhanani says: 01/12/2008 at 5:32 pm


    Notice how everyone who is successful is unique. Be the best YOU you can be — you can’t possibly be a good me.

  12. Santhosh says: 01/12/2008 at 6:54 pm


    Twitter is more fun when used through your mobile phone or instant messenger client. After join you have the option to link it to your mobile phone/messenger client.

  13. TwitterBlogTip:

    Make commenting easy to encourage discussion; drop the lengthy rules list, and don’t require registration, approval, or CAPTCH tests.

  14. TwitterBlogTip

    If you can’t see yourself blogging about the same topic 6 months from now, posting at least 3-5 times weekly, find a new topic.

  15. TwitterBlogTip

    Find your niche (that you will enjoy writing about long-term), keep on topic, post regularly.

  16. TwitterBlogTip

    Respect your readers – respond promptly and thoughtfully to questions and comments.

  17. TwitterBlogTip:


  18. TwitterBlogTip –

    Write the post. Relax for an hour. Read your post again. If you like your own post then your work is done. Else edit it and repeat the above steps.

  19. Hi Darren,

    Nice to see you around Twitter. Here’s my TwitterStyle Blog Tip:

    Don’t wait. Just do it, then do it better. Write for yourself and find your voice. Be authentic and link to those who help you along the way


  20. TwitterBlogTip:

    Plan your blog posts in advance. Use a monthly calendar to plan the daily topics.

  21. TwitterBlogTip: Content is King – Niche is Kingdom – Spell Checker is Emperor


  22. Great comments, but just getting into this at the age of 53 has me overwhelm to say the least. Simple is better and would like someone to take me under their wing to learn about all this blogging. Thank you:doris2@prexar.com

  23. TwitterBlogTip

    Be original! Taking somebody’s idea and labeling it your own just decreases your blog’s value. Originality is the key to success.

  24. TwitterBlogTip

    Think. Write. Check. Rewrite. Publish. Listen. Adjust.

    Cheers from Bali,

    Life is what you make it!

  25. Karl’s TwitterBlogTip –

    Write what you think. That is what makes you unique.

  26. TwitterBlogTip

    Don’t be lazy
    Just do it
    Use WordPress
    Pick your host carefully
    Market your blog
    Write linkbait
    Be active in social media

  27. TwitterBlogTip

    Live it, write it, love it. Let your passion shine through in *every* post.

  28. TwitterBlogTip

    For Mac users, try MoodBlast2 which can update your facebook, AIM, etc at the same time as twitter

    It will also automatically make small urls

    yes, and spell check, spell check

  29. TwitterBlogTip

    oh yes, and if you have a short url (chris2x.com for instance) then you can use redirection on your webserver to make your own short URLs and get link credit from twitter.

  30. TwitterBlogTip

    Use your “save” option to write ahead, when you have time, so you’ll have posts available for when you don’t.

  31. TwitterBlogTip

    Blog walking is the best way to generate your idea

  32. TwitterBlogTip: Set different days to 1) check email, 2) do SEO, 3) write content

    That way you focus all your energy on each task instead of spreading it out…

  33. TwitterBlogTip:

    Set different days to 1 check mail, 2 do SEO, 3 write content that way you focus all your energy on each task instead of spreading it out.

  34. TwitterBlogTip:

    I’d have to agree that you need to blog it in your own blog. Can’t really make a point in only 140 characters. The best thing to do is twitter-write in a form of Q&A. For example:

    Q: Why is Google Pagerank still important?
    A: Because webmasters can’t stop talking about it!

    This entry is =138 chars.

    It looks like bait but at least twitter users know what you wrote about so they have an option to check it out if they’re interested or ignore if not.

  35. so sorry… I meant it was 129 chars. LOL

  36. TwitterBlogTip

    Carry notebook everywhere
    Fewer bells and whistles
    No jargon, be positive, have Mom subscribe
    Be involved
    Ask questions
    Know your Vision

    Great exercise—Thanks as always, Darren!


  37. TwitterBlogTip

    Use a desktop editor like Windows Live Writer for faster and better post management: http://get.live.com/writer/overview.

  38. TwitterBlogTip

    Share your strengths. I want to hear more about what works, so I can try it too, and less about what’s NOT working unless you’ve fixed it.

  39. TwitterBlogTip

    Stop Blogging.

  40. twitterblogtip.
    I am writing with my iPhone after have updated my new blog http://cakeitaly.com for Italian food lovers

  41. TwitterBlogTip

    Determine your audience – that will help guide your topics. Ask your readers what questions they have, then answer them in your blog posts.

  42. TwitterBlogTip

    Add Twitter Badge 2 yur MySpace, Facebook & blog, then use it 2 announce contest, sale, new & event[s] OTP. & Lurn Txt code. Saves on wdct.

  43. TwitterBlogTip: Research, analyze, investigate more than you planned, to provide really valuable content.

  44. TwitterBlogTip

    Get to the point with your blog post. Then get creative with it. Always choose the quality of the words over the quantity.

  45. Write for your readers, but make sure that your first and most important reader is yourself. If you wouldn’t read it, why would anyone else?

  46. TwitterBlogTip
    Respect your readers. Reply to those who comment on your posts and thus build a strong readership community.

  47. TwitterBlogtip:

    If no one submits your articles to social networking and bookmarking sites, do it yourself until someone does.

  48. Santhosh says: 01/14/2008 at 2:33 am


    Twitter is more fun when used through your mobile phone or instant messenger client and blog like you are using SMS.

  49. TwitterBlogTip

    Choose a good theme that you like b4 you start blogging. A good theme will give a better first impression and makes you blog more frequent

  50. TwitterBlogTip:

    Blog about what people want to read and fulfil their needs. Everything else is cosmetic to this.

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