
Cool Little Tool
My last post asked the question of how you build blog and website traffic. Tim left a comment that caught my interest regarding the syndication of one blog’s headlines to other websites he has an interest in – an effort to create stickiness at the website and drive visitors to ...more
Blog Design

Other Than Search Engines – Where Do You Get New Blog Traffic?
Yesterday was another typical Monday – back to work, back into the routine, another Carnival of the Capitalists. I’ve been participating in the Carnival of the Capitalists (CoTC) for some time, it’s pretty effective at drivng new readers to my blog. I usually pick-up a few new readers each week ...more
Blog Promotion

What If No One Answered The Call?
Last week I published a post on moving the discussion to conversion. Thinking about that post and associated comments a bit earlier, a related thought crossed my mind – What is no one answered your call to action? What if no one ever bought, no one ever registered, no one ...more

Are You Prepared For A Good Thing?
I doubt anything I post will ever be picked-up by Slashdot, but I have hopes of being Slashdotted someday. I imagine it’s like a number of great things in life – watch what you ask for, you may get it. Having a traffic jump on the magnitude a big blog ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Am I Weird?
For every single post I write, including this one, I write it first in MS Word and save a copy in a common folder on my computer. I do the same for almost every comment I leave in the blogosphere. My thought is two-fold…if I loose everything on my site, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Is It Time to Talk More About Conversion?
My background is B2B sales and marketing, more sales than marketing to be precise. I’ve worked with many sales people, teams, and organizations – each go through cycles of activity and business. One staple is the objective remains constant – close more business. We need more leads and fresh contacts ...more
Business Blogging

Best argument yet for posting less. Blogs keep challenging old thinking. Are the rules of business changing?
Business Blogging

One thing all bloggers and webmasters want is return visitors. Many of us watch the stats and monitor this critical measurement of web success…if you come back time and time again, you must like me. If you like me and return enough you’ll finally heed my call to action – ...more
Blog Promotion

Why Do You Write, Read, and Comment on Blogs?
Last week, Bob Bly asked a simple question on his blog – …why not just read books, periodicals, and Web sites? Why do you read blogs … and bother writing posts on them? Here was the comment I left in response to his question: I own a few of the ...more
Business Blogging