Guest Blogger
The Only Blog Post Idea List You’ll Ever Need
This guest post is by Stephen Pepper of Youth Workin’ It. There are so many articles out there on how you can come up with new blog post ideas, but do any of the suggestions actually work? We started our youth work blog in September 2011 and have posted six days ...more
Be Productive
3 Quick Tips to Get Your Next Post Out On Time
This guest post is by Tor Constantino of The old cliché, “time is money” is particularly true for any professional writer—especially when you’re on deadline. The consequences of missing deadlines are lost money, work, and credibility. As a former journalist (a.k.a hourly deadline writer) for more than a decade, ...more
Be Productive
How to Use Metaphors to Engage and Encourage Readers
This guest post is by Elizabeth Joss of Xcellent Media. “They nailed their stakes into the earth of my life, those farmers. They knew the place in me where the river stopped, and they marked it with a new name. Shantaram Kishan Kharre. I don’t know if they found that ...more
Writing Content
Find Fans’ and Followers’ Pain Points in 5 Simple Steps
This guest post is by AJ Kumar of Single Grain. Social media sites are great for a number of different purposes, including connecting with your readership and establishing yourself as a thought leader within your industry. However, the interactions you have on these popular social sites can also serve another major purpose ...more
Social Media
The Simplest Way to Write a Unique First Draft
This guest post is by Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy Do you have 45 minutes to work on your blog? If so, I can show you how to write the first draft of your next blog post. First drafts are messy. This blog post originated from five unrelated words on ...more
Be Productive
Reach New Readers with a Freebie Blitz
This guest post is by Tom Ross of Blogs.FanExtra. Today I’m going to talk about one of the most effective ways to market yourself and your website. It’s also a hugely effective way to build relationships within your niche. And it’s very simple: offer amazing freebies to top bloggers in ...more
Blog Promotion
5 Ways Blogging Supports a Multichannel Marketing Strategy
This guest post is by Geoff Livingston of Marketing in the Round. With so many marketing tactics to choose from, it seems off that more and more businesses elect to forgo blogging. No, blogging is not easy. Blogging takes writing skills, creativity, and other centric behavior. It requires constant thought ...more
Blog Promotion
10 No-Nonsense Ways to Build Backlinks
This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti of Sparring Mind. Many bloggers are very much averse to participating or learning anything about SEO, and truth be told, I think that’s a real shame. Maybe my time with my SEO agency has made me biased, but I personally think most ...more
Blog Promotion
What George Orwell Taught Me About Blogging
This guest post is by Trevor Ginn of Hello Baby. Having written masterpieces such as Animal Farm and 1984, George Orwell is considered one of the greatest writers of all time. In 1941 he wrote the essay called Politics and the English Language in which he criticised the “ugly and ...more
Writing Content