Guest Blogger
Why Great Writers Win Out in the Blogosphere—And How to Join Them
This guest post is by Ali Luke of Writers’ Huddle. Is your writing holding you back? If new visitors never stick around, if you rarely get retweets, or if there’s tumbleweed blowing through your comments section, this might not be because you’re getting anything wrong in terms of promotion. There’s ...more
Writing Content
How to Score a Job on the ProBlogger Job Board
This guest post is by Jason Bacchetta of Life’d. After posting quite a few jobs on the ProBlogger Job Board, I’ve come to realize that a number of pet peeves affect my decision as to whether or not an applicant gets hired. Although some jobs receive upwards of 500 applicants, few of ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Is Your Facebook Page in Danger of Deletion? Save Your Fans in 6 Steps
This guest post is by James Dunworth of the Ashtray Blog. On the 28th August, shortly after getting our 14,000th follower on Facebook, we received one of those emails that makes your heart not just sink, but plunge through your stomach and crash onto the floor. Facebook had deleted our ...more
Social Media
10 Words Every Successful Blogger Needs to Know
This guest post is by Tony Hastings of The Top 10 Blog. Whether you are blogging for profit, publicity, or pleasure, the basic building blocks of success are the same. Success can be defined as, “accomplishing an aim or purpose or having achieved popularity, profit, or distinction.” (Google Dictionary) Here are ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
5 Simple Online Services for Checking Content Plagiarism
This guest post is by Kimberly Nilson of Many of us have faced the problem of dealing with plagiarised content, either while reviewing guest articles by low-quality bloggers, or inadvertently using common phrases in our own writing. Even the most skilled blogger cannot possibly be familiar with all the pages ...more
Writing Content
Are You Wasting Time Guest Posting?
This guest post is by Dan Norris of Web Control Room. Guest posting is up near the top of every list of ways to grow your blog. The problem is, if you don’t do it correctly, you are more or less wasting your time. I’ve been writing guest posts for ...more
Blog Promotion
Are Your Recurring Blogging Tasks Making You Crazy?
This guest post is by Timo Kiander of What’s the one similarity between these blogging tasks? approving comments on your blog proofreading posts writing and preparing your post to be published (finding images, SEO, setting tags and categories, and so on) keeping yourself up to date with social media writing ...more
Be Productive
Create a Professional Blog Logo on a Budget
This guest post is by Samuel of Internet Dreams. I am a logo hunter! What that means is I almost always stop and look at a new site’s logo. Almost like shooting at it, but with my eyes! Believe it or not, this now has a profound influence on whether ...more
Blog Design
Find Your Voice: Blog Like You’re In a Closet
This guest post is by Brian Lund of bclund. Writing a niche blog is all the rage these days, but they require a different type of content than is typical of a “mass audience” blog. And that content can be hard to come up with. However, there is a simple, though ...more
Writing Content