Guest Blogger

How To Get Started With Free Travel When Your Blog is Brand New
This is a guest contribution from Dan Bagby of Honeymoon Always. Many travel bloggers start blogging with dreams of getting free travel around the world. Last year, I set out with the goal to see what it would take to make that a reality – and I was surprised at how ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Grow Your Fitness Blog to 100,000 Monthly Visitors in Less than a Year
By Alex Chris of How do you build a successful fitness blog? What does it take to start a blog and grow the traffic to 100K monthly visitors in less than a year? If you have a fitness blog or planning to start one or even if you are ...more
Blog Promotion

6 Brands That Nailed Their Product Launches (And What You Can Learn From Them)
This is a guest contribution from Shane Barker. Planning to expand your reach and grow your readership? As a blogger, you regularly produce valuable content that your audience loves. But what if you could provide your readers with something beyond your blog posts and eBooks? For instance, you could share ...more

6 Highly Effective Ways to Collect Leads Via Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. In the early days of blogging, there were lots of small niche blogs that resembled online journals or diaries. They were nothing more than virtual spaces for storing thoughts, beliefs, and memories. However, as the internet evolved, so did blogging. Hobby bloggers ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Tips for Pitching to Potential Podcast Guests
This is a guest contribution from Karly Nimmo. As a podcaster, I’m inundated with requests and pitches from people who are looking for some free PR. As a podcaster, I’m totally down with receiving these requests and pitches. I love to hear from people who have something of value to ...more

7 Essential Negotiation Skills for Bloggers and Marketers
Simply muttering the word “negotiation” can strike fear into many bloggers and marketers. Negotiation may even evoke as much fear, anxiety, and stress as public speaking. “Fear in negotiations arises in a variety of circumstances,” the authors of Emotions in Negotiation explain. “If we face an aggressive opponent, if we bargain ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How Videos Can Transform Your Content Marketing Strategy
This is a guest contribution from Nathalie Cohen-Sheffer. From do-it-yourself tutorials to adorable animal clips, videos are a big part of our life – and business owners as well as bloggers are taking notice. Here are seven reasons why everyone needs to incorporate video into their marketing strategy, and the sooner ...more
Blog Promotion

Turning The Challenges of Remote working Into Strengths
This is a guest contribution from Nick Chowdrey. Remote working is an attractive prospect for many people in this digital age. But it’s not as simple as packing up your laptop and riding off into the sunset – it takes a lot more effort and skill than that. After all, ...more
Other Income Streams

How to be a Rad Podcast Host and Avoid your Guest’s Pet Hates
By Karly Nimmo of Radcasters Podcasting S’cool. As a podcast host, a guest, and from working with hundreds of podcasters, I’ve seen almost everything. The good, the bad and the train wreck ugly (you know, that mess that is hideous but you just can’t look away?). I’ve seen rock solid, rigid ...more