Guest Blogger
Google Hangouts: Turning Bloggers into Broadcasters
This is a guest contribution by Sarah Hill, the Chief Digital Storyteller for Veterans United Network. Blogging no longer has to be a text based conversation. Google+ has allowed bloggers to become broadcasters, adding a visual component to each blog post, and all you need to become a “Blogcaster” is a webcam, ...more
Blog Promotion
8 Steps to Building Your Blog Into a Community
This is a guest contribution from Jonathan Goodman. There are other people blogging about the same subject as you, maybe better or maybe worse—but, as you probably have figured out by now, content is no longer king; context is. Getting repeat readers who become brand ambassadors for you is pertinent to ...more
Build Community
The Secret to Using Your Blog to Generate Sales
This is a guest contribution from Karl Staib of Domino Connection. You’ve probably been at a party where some fool is talking his face off at everyone he meets. He talks about his trip to Spain and how he is such an amazing photographer. He never asks, “What you do or ...more
Blogging for Dollars
On Hamburgers and Hooks: How to Effortlessly FIND (Not Write) Your Compelling First Line
This is a guest contribution from Kelly Diels-Rostant. “Where’s The Beef?” asked the lil’ ol’ lady and in so doing launched her late-blooming acting career. It was 1984. Clare Peller was eighty-four years old. It was her first acting gig and it was a hit. Her Wendy’s spot spawned a series ...more
Writing Content
How To Use Auto Responder Emails to Boost Your Blogging Efforts
This is a guest contribution by Asher Elran of Dynamic Search. I thought emails were a waste of time and that they are ignored, but then I learned how to do it right and watched the numbers flip. After you published a great post and pushed it through your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Why Interlinking Your Blogs Posts is a Must (and Not Just For SEO)
This is a guest contribution by Daniel Vassiliou of Endurance SEO. Everybody loves (LOVES) to talk about link building and find the latest and greatest technique for building backlinks to your blog. While this gets you more traffic and better rankings in the search engines, it can draw away from an equally important ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Will Your Content Marketing Last The Distance?
This is a guest contribution by Ruchi Pardal of ResultFirst. Some people believe that content marketing means multichannel, and seemingly mechanical, publishing of anything, anywhere. Their goal is to gain links and rank well (of course, momentarily) using thin content, spinned content, keyword-rich content or unnecessary press releases. That’s the ...more
Writing Content
Affiliate Marketing: Cult or Cash Cow?
This is a guest post from communications and marketing consultant Brook McCarthy. When I was a young hippie, I accidentally joined a cult. I was a student of religious studies at the time and believed I was merely observing, until one morning, when I found myself at 5am, chanting to a giant image ...more
Affiliate Programs
How to Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers When Nobody Knows You
This is a guest contribution by Marya Jan, blogging coach from Writing Happiness. What’s the biggest excuse you hear from people who are not getting the results they want from their blogging? “I don’t know anyone online.” Not ‘my content might not be good’. Not ‘I don’t a clear idea of ...more
Blog Promotion