Guest Blogger

3 Ways to Turn Blog Posts into Engaging Instagram Content
This is a guest post from Jonathan Chan of Foundr Magazine. You are probably here because you are a proud blog owner. Your content is consistently fresh and up-to-date, your mission statement is on point, you’ve managed to create a brand from scratch and everything is going swimmingly. But you’re ...more
Blog Promotion

7 Key Design Elements for a Mobile Landing Page that Converts
This is a guest contribution from Shane Barker. If you’ve been blogging for awhile, you’re probably familiar with landing pages, and may have even used a few of them for different campaigns. Whether you’re trying to drive people to sign up for your mailing list, or to purchase a product/service ...more
Blog Design

What is the Link between Social Signals and Your Search Ranking?
This is a guest post from Shane Barker We all know that factors like backlinks, keywords, and bounce rates are important search ranking factors. But there’s still a lot of confusion about social signals, and their impact on a website’s ranking. Reputable sources like Moz and Backlinko have reported that social signals ...more
Blog Promotion

4 Ways to Use Social Media to Light a Fire Under Your List Building Strategy
This is a guest contribution from Megan Totka. Building a profitable e-mail list requires more than just adding a newsletter signup form to your website. Attracting and retaining an email list that ultimately turns into customers means finding creative ways to get in front of them and continually providing value. ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Avoid Writing Boring Outlines using the IKEA Method
This is a guest contribution from LJ Sedgwick. You’ve read all of the blogging advice. You know writing an outline helps keep your blog post to the point. But try as you might, nothing’s happening. An empty page stares back at you. That blinking cursor is taunting you. You want to ...more
Creating Content

Don’t Lose your Funds to Amazon – How to Stay Within The Operating Agreement
This is a guest post by Cathy Tibbles of WPBarista Recently a lot of warning bells were sounding around the internet because of some changes to the Amazon Associates program. Looking at Problogger’s experience and the success of several other bloggers using affiliate sales, this post will take you through the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

7 Tips for Increasing Social Media Engagement
This is a guest contribution from Kristie McCollum. When it comes to creating your social media strategy, it’s always good to keep things fresh and evolving. There are a few things you can do to keep your marketing content engaging even as trends change. Whether you are just starting a blog ...more
Build Community

How to Use SMS Marketing to Boost Your Blog’s Audience
This guest post is by Josh Sayers of Adventure Connections Remember SMS? That old-school way of texting people before the dawn of i-message and Whatsapp? Don’t worry, most people have forgotten all about it too! Did you know that 98% of all text messages are read and, although most people ...more
Blog Promotion

A Practical Look at Turning Your Blog into a Functioning Business
Following last week’s post on treating your blog like a business, this guest post from Anna Johansson provides some practical ways you can start turning your blog into a business. In many cases, blogging starts out as a hobby or creative outlet for someone looking to have a little fun ...more
Blogging for Dollars