Guest Blogger
How I Started Making $3,000 a Month Blogging About Travel
This guest post is by Marcello Arrambide of It has been about one full year since I started blogging about travel, and I have started to generate $3,000 or more a month via my travel blogs. My very first post was published on May, 4th, 2010, and it was ...more
Blogging for Dollars
A Dash of Analytics Takes the Guess Work Out of Guest Posting
This guest post is by Joe of the New Customer Workshop. Guest posting is a great way to market your brand. When you guest post you are able to demonstrate you expertise to a new audience. The short term benefits are a bump in traffic to your website. Longer term ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
If You Don’t Stop Doing This One Thing, Your Blogging Business Will Never Go Anywhere
This guest post is by Tommy Walker, Online Marketing Strategist and owner of Why are you reading this article? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it, but isn’t there something else you could be doing? What are you putting off? I’m going to be straight with you. You are ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Start a Magazine that Complements Your Blog … in 5 Steps
This guest post is by Deidra Wilson of They say that print is dead. That the Internet laid waste to the magazine rack at the airport. But that line of thinking has the good old boy driving the diesel pickup today behind the wheel of an electric car tomorrow. ...more
Blog Promotion
Use Showcase Sites to Boost Your Blog’s Loyal Readership
This guest post is by Issy Eyre of Fennel & Fern. I’ll let you into a secret. One of the key ways I grew my traffic for my gardening blog Fennel & Fern wasn’t through clever SEO campaigns. It wasn’t through endless tweeting, or sucking up to other bloggers (although ...more
Blog Promotion
Do You Spend Enough Time Looking at Your Stats?
This guest post is by Deb of Science@home. Do you spend enough time looking at your stats? What a statement to start with, given that the mantra seems to be to check once a week and don’t waste too much time on your stats. And I agree with what seems ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
The Mottos that Landed Me a Post on
This guest post is by Magz Parmenter of Tangerine Turtle. Close your eyes for a minute and think about the biggest goal you have right now. Is it becoming a full-time blogger? Would you like to speak at a conference? Maybe you want to sell advertising on your blog. Whatever ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
My Secret Formula for Creating Super-engaging Blog Content
This guest post is by Kiesha of WeBlogBetter. Many of my readers have asked how in the world I come up with such creative ideas for my blog content. If you’ve read: “The Walmart Guide to Increasing Time spent on your Site,” “Can your blog Pass the Salad Test?” “Attract ...more
Writing Content
The Warren Buffett Method for Building a Successful Blog
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Billionaire Warren Buffett’s method of deciding which companies to buy and invest in is not only instructive for share investors, but also for bloggers. His strategy can be used in the blogging world to create a successful blog—especially instructive for bloggers ...more
Writing Content