Guest Blogger

How to Turn Your Business Blog Readers Into Paying Customers
This is a guest contribution from Alicia Rades from You started a blog because you recognized the importance of content marketing. You know that businesses that blog get more traffic than those that don’t. But more traffic doesn’t necessarily mean more customers. You have to be able to leverage your blog ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How To Monetize Your Blog By Repurposing Content
This is a guest contribution from Natalie Sisson of Suitcase Entrepreneur. Sometimes creating valuable content week after week feels a bit like you’re running on a hamster wheel, doesn’t it? It doesn’t even matter how much you like writing blog posts and replying to readers’ comments. If your blog doesn’t ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Pitch Yourself to Be a Podcast Guest
This is a guest contribution from Michelle Kulas of PodcastMotor. If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you may have had daydreams about achieving fame, fortune and glory through your blog. At the very least, you’ve probably been hopeful that you’d reach your target readers and maybe make some money by ...more
Blog Promotion

NEVER SAY NEVER: Do You Always Have to Follow Writing “Rules” to Be a Successful Blogger?
This is a guest contribution from author Daryl Rothman. “Never,” exhorts George Orwell in his prolific essay Politics and the English Language, “use a long word where a short word will do.” This etymological edict claims many adherents, and who amongst us has not wrestled with that great literary conundrum ...more
Writing Content

Are Instagram Stories a Better Home For Content Than Snapchat?
This is a guest contribution from Nick Rojas. When Instagram unveiled its new Stories platform in early August, the social network made no bones about that the fact that it was inspired by Snapchat’s pioneering feature of the same name. Some social media watchers went even further, calling it a ...more
Social Media

How to Grow Your Audience by Getting PR For Your Blog
Andreea Ayers founded in 2011 after selling a successful t-shirt business, and realised she had plenty to share in terms of selling products successfully online. Her blog focuses on her experience with ecommerce and selling online, moving into PR and teaching product entrepreneurs how to get their products featured in print ...more
Blog Promotion

Yoast: Your Complete WordPress SEO Toolkit
By ProBlogger SEO Expert Jim Stewart of Driving your WordPress website toward a higher Google ranking involves constant tweaking, which can mean hours of detailed work. Enter Yoast SEO: the one WordPress plugin that can optimise your entire site. This comprehensive tool is the most complete SEO plugin available ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Overcoming the Fear of Being Heard
By Karly Nimmo. In my work with hundreds of podcasters, and potential podcasters (this also applies to bloggers, entrepreneurs, small business owners and anyone putting themselves out there) I see one key thing get in the way over and over again… Our good old mate, FEAR. Let’s talk about fear, ...more

4 Creative Ways to Build Buzz for Your Next Blog Post Before It Goes Live
This is a guest contribution from Bill Achola. I remember those days when I thought writing a blog post was enough. I would invest all my efforts on choosing the right topic, writing a quality blog post, making it smart, funny, and engaging, adding interesting pictures, carefully crafting an eye-catching ...more
Blog Promotion