Georgina Laidlaw

Use Content Channels to Boost Your Readership
The first five articles in this series have made the case for some important concepts: treating content as an asset, seeing your posts as tools for meeting your (and of course your readers’ goals), and so on (see the full content series here). The natural corollary to all this is ...more
Blog Promotion

5 Ways to Build Your Blog’s Voice
Voice can give a blogger a serious edge. Your unique voice can set you apart from the competition, form a foundation for your brand, engender audience loyalty, and more. If you find it difficult to retain readers, and you’re confident of the quality and accuracy of the content you provide, ...more
Writing Content

Big Content Monetisation Ideas for the Little Guy
Earlier in this series, we talked about treating content as an asset. In reality, content may represent an asset for a number of reasons: because it’s evergreen and can be repurposed into other forms; because it’s time-critical and extremely viral, sparking conversation and attracting new users; because it’s unique and ...more
Blogging for Dollars

The Content Producer’s Copyright Checklist
Copyright is the content producer’s constant companion. If you create content, you own it, and you want it to stay that way! At the same time, many bloggers link to, quote, and reference other peoples’ work. Understanding where the line of copyright falls is essential if you and your blog ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog Content Strategy 101
Content strategy might seem like the domain of giant content sites and big-brand online publishers. But if you run a blog, you’re a content publisher. And a solid content strategy can help you to more clearly define your goals, and identify how you’ll achieve them. For those for whom content ...more
Writing Content

Source Quality Content … Continuously
What does every blogger need more of? Quality content! This is the first of a series of six posts that tackle key content questions. Today, we’re looking specifically at content sources: places where you can get ideas and information that, with a little work, you can turn into quality blog ...more
Writing Content