Georgina Laidlaw

The Five Worst Ways to Title a Blog Post
13th of August 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 37 Comments

The Five Worst Ways to Title a Blog Post

Post titling seems to be something of sacred territory for many bloggers. We feel that the title contains the essence of our post, and therefore, it’s the essence of ourselves—our personalities, our messages, our brands. On the other hand, we see a lot of post titles on the Web, and ...more
Writing Content
How My Family and Friends Help Me Blog Better
12th of August 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 21 Comments

How My Family and Friends Help Me Blog Better

This guest post is by Jonathan Dunsky of A lot of bloggers work alone. I started out the same way. I hardly talked about what I was doing and never got into details with the people closest to me. Today, however, I feel that this approach can limit the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Usable Content: a Blogger’s Introduction
27th of July 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 14 Comments

Usable Content: a Blogger’s Introduction

You’ve probably heard of usability. Back in the day, when the web was wild(er) and free(r), usability proponents like Jakob Nielsen encouraged site owners to stop doing things like displaying yellow text on black backgrounds, shun the Blink and Marquee tags, and focus on helping users do what they wanted ...more
Writing Content
Are You a Generous Blogger?
17th of July 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 42 Comments

Are You a Generous Blogger?

I know what you’re thinking. “Of course! I’m a lovely blogger! I’m always giving stuff away—advice in my posts, free chapters from my ebook, whitepapers, time, and a whole swag of fun fun fun on my Facebook page!” That’s great—and certainly generous—but what I’m talking about is something different. A ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Does Fotolia Have Photos for Your Blog?
9th of July 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 41 Comments

Does Fotolia Have Photos for Your Blog?

Do you use images in your blog posts? Most bloggers like to increase their posts’—and blogs’—impact with an image, and while I’m a die-hard textophile, I can see the point. An image is certainly more eye-catching than text. Couple the right image with the right heading, and you’re on fire. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Is Blogger Copyright Dead?
4th of May 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 98 Comments

Is Blogger Copyright Dead?

If you’re reading this blog post anywhere other than, you’re reading an illegal rip of the original. Content scraping—by automated programs that pull entire posts from your blog for republishing elsewhere—and autoblogging—where sites regurgitate whole articles from your RSS feed on their pages—are the most common content ripping practices. ...more
Writing Content
5 Sales Email Myths that are Costing You Money
17th of February 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 54 Comments

5 Sales Email Myths that are Costing You Money

Recently, I worked with Darren on some sales content—including launch emails—for the release of a new product at DPS. That launch email was tested against another version written by a professional marketer in a split test before the launch. In (what was to me) a shock result, the email I’d ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Forget “Content Production”, Think “Idea Exploration”
23rd of January 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 64 Comments

Forget “Content Production”, Think “Idea Exploration”

Since I wrote about creativity, I’ve been considering the issue of getting inspiration for blog posts. Some who commented on that article said they never have trouble finding post ideas. But others revealed that they really struggle with getting inspiration. Sometimes, they’re struck by it; other times, they have to ...more
Writing Content
Is Your Link Text Letting You Down?
6th of January 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 76 Comments

Is Your Link Text Letting You Down?

How do you use links in your blog posts? Bloggers link to other online resources for many reasons: to give credibility to a claim, to provide additional information, to give credit to another person or institution, to allow users to easily follow a natural progression or procedure, and so on. ...more
Writing Content