Darren Rowse

Blogs for Lawyers
Feedmelegal> has a good post on how blogs can be useful for lawyers. ‘How can lawyers benefit from the use of weblogs? Feedmelegal does not intend to repeat at length what has been written by others, but to summarise and to an extent build on the insightful thinking that has ...more
Business Blogging

Blogging for Dollars – CFO Magazine – October Issue 2004 – CFO.com
It seems that articles about how executives are blogging are appearing every day now – here is another one – Blogging for Dollars ‘Once the domain of the disgruntled and demented, Web logs are being embraced by business executive… In an earlier time, say 2000, managers at Microsoft didn’t appear ...more
Business Blogging

Study: Growth in Worldwide Ad Spend Led by Internet
Online expenditure on Advertising is expected to continue to rise according to this report: ‘U.K.-based media research firm ZenithOptimedia expects the growth of Internet ad expenditures to outpace other media worldwide, while advertiser confidence holds steady. According to ZenithOptimedia’s quarterly global ad forecast, over the next two years, newspapers, magazines, ...more

Google Page Rank Update
There is a lot of talk around the web at the moment about Google’s current page ranking update. You may have already noticed your blog’s page rank change – most of my blogs are pretty stable although I’ve noticed one of the new ones has gone up from 2 to ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Creative Weblogging – Paying for Content
Creative Weblogging is offering to pay bloggers $5 for sending in an article to their growing network of blogs. Creative Weblogging is developing a similar blogging network to that of Weblogs Inc with an interesting array of blogs. Obviously they’ve done their sums and worked out that in the long ...more
Pro Blogging News

Yahoo to launch Overture ads in RSS!!!
The RSS Weblog has just broken the news that Yahoo’s Overture (main competitor to Adsense) will be shortly supporting ads in RSS feeds. This is pretty significant news for those of us running contextual ads on our blogs – but only for those using Overture. The question on everyone’s lips ...more

RSS Syndication Made Simple – Finding Content Made Easy
Steve Rubel (one of my newest favorite reads) has a very useful post on RSS Syndication Made Simple. It is one of the best and easiest to follow, descriptions of how to use RSS to find and read content of other bloggers and news sources. Steve writes – ‘RSS stands ...more
Writing Content

3 New Adsense Features Being Tested
Adsense may be testing some new features – I just stumbled upon a site that seems to be being used as a testbed for the new stuff. This is a page I first noticed two ads per page on – about a month before it became public that the rest ...more

Keywords or Keyword Phrases? Effective SEO Strategy
About.com asks the question – should those wanting to optimize their site target single keywords or keyword phrases? “Consider the keyword “cars.” A quick search for this phrase at Google reveals nearly 20 million web sites competing for a ranking for this phrase. Since studies show that few consumers make ...more
Search Engine Optimization