Darren Rowse
Post Length and Engagement: The Content Marketer’s Dilemma
Everyone’s talking about content at the moment: from those using content marketing to sell business-to-business, to pro niche bloggers, and of course, us here at problogger.net. It was also a topic that we dealt with on Monday’s #blogchat session on Twitter. Among the topics that have come up in these ...more
Featured Posts
2013 ProBlogger Training Event: To Be Held on the Gold Coast in Queensland
Today I’m excited to share news about the location and some other previously secret details of the new Aussie ProBlogger Training Day. Over the last 3 years we’ve held a live blogging conference here in Melbourne that has grown both in attendee numbers but also impact each year. The feedback ...more
ProBlogger Site News
The ProBlogger Evolution: Our Halt on Guest Post Submissions
This week, I had a day-long blog strategy workshop with my team. We covered a lot of ground in that time and we have an exciting year ahead! Among the decisions we made was one to shift the way we handle content here on the blog at ProBlogger. Some years ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Double Your Blog Profits in 2013?!
Recently, I asked a blogger what his goals were for 2013. He told me he wanted to double his blog’s income. When I asked how he was going to do that he stared at me blankly and said, “That’s where I may need a little help. It seems such a ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What Content Works Where? Smarter Traffic (and Revenue) Building Through Social Media
Every time we publish a post on social media here at ProBlogger, readers comment that social media takes so much time—how can they get smarter about it? Today I wanted to give you a quick way to get a better handle on your social media activities, in about five minutes, ...more
Featured Posts
Blogging in Brief: Goal-Setting … and Reaching!
It’s that time of year: we’re all setting goals and making plans for the next twelve months (if we haven’t already!). And the blogosphere is a great place to get inspiration for setting and meeting those goals… That time of year… Many of our favorite blogs have published posts that ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The ProBlogger Top 20 of 2012: What YOU Read Most This Year
Welcome to 2013! Are you ready for the year ahead? If you’re like me, and you’re just getting back into the swing of things (or still on break!), you might be scratching your head trying to remember all the important lessons you learned last year. So to help you out, ...more
Featured Posts
The Blogger’s Guide to Cutting Your Losses
I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence, but as we near the end of the year, there seem to be a few bloggers talking about what you should do if a past passion no longer inspires you, or your next big idea’s already been done. Now is a good time ...more
Featured Posts
Quality Vs. Volume: The Traffic Spectrum, and How You as Bloggers Can Harness It
As web usage grows, and we all become more connected more of the time, it could seem like getting traffic to your blog should be getting easier. But as connectedness increases, so does competition. There are only 24 hours in a day, and the blogger’s job is to convince readers ...more
Blog Promotion