Darren Rowse

Amazon Beta Tests Product Previews
19th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

Amazon Beta Tests Product Previews

Amazon have started beta testing a new feature with their affiliates that is something between Chitika’s eMiniMalls and Vibrant Media’s Intellitxt. It’s called Amazon Product Previews. The feature allows publishers to add some javascript code to the bottom of their pages that makes any text links to Amazon products that ...more
Affiliate Programs
Botsense – Combatting Content Theft and Bandwidth Issues caused by Bots
19th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Botsense – Combatting Content Theft and Bandwidth Issues caused by Bots

Jim over at Revnews has a post talking about a new product, Botsense, that is currently in beta that is for stopping. It sounds like an interesting product that unfortunately will be needed more and more with the way things are going with content theft these days. Has anyone used ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
12.2% Of ‘Top’ Blogs use RSS Advertising
18th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

12.2% Of ‘Top’ Blogs use RSS Advertising

Peter has been digging around the Feedster Top 500 list (a list of ‘top blogs’ that was going to be updated monthly but hasn’t changed since August) again and has an interesting statistic – 12.2% Of the List have RSS Advertising in their feeds. This is in contrast to the ...more
Linked in
18th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

Linked in

Dave Taylor has a post on “Etiquette for LinkedIn and the Professional Networking World” which I found interesting. I’ve actually been using LinkedIn for a few months now and while I understand it’s features and functions I’m yet to find that it’s actually been much use to me. I’m interested ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Chitika eMiniMalls – How to Increase CTR
17th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 41 Comments

Chitika eMiniMalls – How to Increase CTR

One of the common comments that I’m reading in discussion forums about Chitika eMiniMalls is that they are not converting well in terms of CTR. There are a number of threads recently about how publishers have very large levels of traffic but are seeing very very few click throughs – ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls
Sports and Mommy Blogs Launch
17th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Sports and Mommy Blogs Launch

Blog herald reports that there’s a new sports blog network launching at Sports Cartel with NHL, NFL and NBL blogs – lots of them. And for something a bit different but still sure to be popular – Duncan also emailed me a link to a press release of a new ...more
Blog Networks
Google Base
16th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 27 Comments

Google Base

Google have launched another new product – Google Base – a place for submitting content. I’m still trying to get my head around so here’s how they describe it themselves: ‘Google Base is a place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content that we’ll host ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Pajamas Media Launches as Open Source Media
16th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

Pajamas Media Launches as Open Source Media

Associated Press have news of the long awaited Pajamas Media’s impending launch. They’ll be known as OSM (Open Source Media) and launch with 3.5 million dollars of venture capital behind them. I’m not sure what their URL will be – osm.com and opensourcemedia.com are both taken. I guess we’ll have ...more
Pro Blogging News
Yahoo to Distribute Gawker Blogs
16th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Yahoo to Distribute Gawker Blogs

More big blog network news today with Yahoo agreeing to distribute Gawker Media’s Blogs. Reuters reports the news: Yahoo said it will post “dozens” of stories per day from Gawker Media’s blogs, including New York-media gossip blog Gawker, U.S. political gossip-focused Wonkette, Hollywood insider’s guide Defamer and popular technology blog ...more
Blog Networks