Darren Rowse

Using Blog Deadlines to Defeat Bloggers Block
10. Set a deadline When I was at school and then university one of the things that got my act together the most when it came to writing essays was a looming deadline. I work well under pressure (or maybe I’m just lazy and don’t work well when there is ...more
Writing Content

Blogger Collaboration – Battling Bloggers Block
9. Collaborate with other Bloggers Run out of ideas? Find someone who hasn’t to work with. One of the great things about blogging is the relational aspect of it. The ideas that come when you put your head together with someone else are often quite amazing. Collaboration can happen on ...more
Writing Content

Flip an Idea – Beating Bloggers Block
8. Flip an Idea Sometimes I get stuck on an idea because I’ve only ever looked at it from one angle. What about tackling it from another direction? Flip it! One of the most memorable discussions I’ve ever participated in here at ProBlogger was the day I asked ‘What’s Wrong ...more
Writing Content

Apple Australia – Slow and Steady doesn’t win the race!
Almost 4 weeks ago I excitedly rang my local Apple store to place an order for a new dual core powermac. I made a few modifications to the standard configuration so the ETA on it was going to be a little longer than a standard machine. The prediction was 10 ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The Zero Boss has a mini review of Shoutwire – a social bookmarking site that is similar to Digg but that covers a wider array of topics (Digg is just technology related). It could be a useful tool if it takes off.
Blogging Tools and Services

Track AdSense Clicks With Google Analytics
Shawn from Digital Point has developed a piece of javascript that will allow those AdSense publishers who use Google’s Analytics to Track their AdSense Clicks. The stats it gives should shed a bit more light on what pages convert best for Adsense clicks, what sources of traffic click ads more ...more

Take Questions – Battling Bloggers Block
7. Take Questions This is a basic tip that can help you to identify the needs of your readers – simply ask them. Once again this isn’t rocket science – but it’s amazing what results when you do it. Start a Question File – I get questions on most of ...more
Writing Content

Google Click-to-Call Advertising
Google are testing a new form of advertising in some parts of the USA – it’s called Click to Call. And is where readers click on a little green phone icon on text ads and Google will arrange a call for you. Advertisers must be paying on a ‘pay per ...more

Google Page Rank Changes Reported
There are a few murmurings around the web today that Google might be making some adjustments to Page Rank again. Some are saying that it could just be a partial rollback on the most recent update (that it could have been too extreme) while others say it’s another update in ...more
Search Engine Optimization