Darren Rowse

I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins)
Here’s a little survey/question for WordPress users out there. What are your favorite plugins? I’m regularly asked how I do certian aspects of this site and the answers are usually pointing at a plugin of one kind or another – so I thought I’d let you know what I’m using ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Threadwatch Sold
There’s a lot of sadness over at Threadwatch today with Nick Wilson announcing it’s sale and him leaving the site. He’s doing so to give more time to the new company that he’s a part of starting, Performancing. The new owner of Threadwatch is Aaron Wall from SEOBook. There was ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Side Stepping your Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 21. Side step Blogging Blockages Sometimes bloggers block can get completely on top of you and start to get you down – I often get to this point midway through posts. You might known the scenario too – you start off so well and then you get to ...more
Writing Content

Chitika adds ‘Alternate URL’ feature
Chitika just added an ‘alternate URL’ feature to their eMiniMalls which allow you to run other ads in their space when they don’t have any product to serve. This will be very useful for any publishers with a lot of traffic from countries not accepted by the program. Here’s how ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Blog Business
Vaughan has just let me know of a new blog he’s running called Blog Business which is on the topic of ‘Building Business Models from Blogs. Or Not.’ Sounds like one to watch if you’re into the ProBlogging thing. Vaughan is doing his MBA dissertation on the topic of Blog ...more
Pro Blogging News

Short Posts – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 20. Short Posts If you don’t have much to say, don’t say much. Resist the pressure to have to fully unpack every aspect of every topic – instead let your readers unpack a topic for you with an invitation at the end of your post. Web readers are ...more
Writing Content

ProBlogger Labs Gets an Upgrade
After a five week wait I got the call last night from my friendly Apple Mac sales guy to tell me that my new PowerMac had hit the shores of Australia and that it would be ready for me to pick it up this morning. So this morning I trotted ...more
ProBlogger Site News

20 Type Challenge
Just got an email from the blogger behind It’s So Fantastic! who liked my 20 Types of Blog Posts post so much that she’s decided to start a 20 Types challenge where she’s going to take one ‘type’ of blog post each day for the next 20 days and post ...more
Pro Blogging News

Start Writing the Middles of your Post – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 19. Start writing the Middle of your Post If you’re anything like me, one of the hardest parts of writing a post is starting it. Introductions can be easy to get stuck on and so I often simply skip them completely and write the meat of the post ...more
Writing Content