Darren Rowse

Google AdSense Webinar
If you’re interested in learning how to use some of the newest Google AdSense features you might like to sign up for their latest Webinar at – Google WebEx Enterprise Site. it’s being run on Wednesday 21 December at 9am Pacific Standard Time (GMT-08.00). They’ll be looking at the referrals ...more

YPN – First Impression Review
One of the benefits of moving ProBlogger into the b5media network is that I have access to YPN now as b5 is a US company. I’ve just added switched my AdSense ads over to YPN to give it a test (as we’ve done with a number of our blogs). It’s ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Study finds Stand Alone RSS Ads Do Better
Jeremy just forwarded me this article on Clickz that shows ads in RSS that are an entry by themselves (ie the ad itself is a stand alone post) perform nine times better than RSS ads attached to other posts. They can generate CTR up to 7% (much better than any ...more

Yahoo! Currently Updating Index
It looks like Yahoo! are doing an Update at the moment. I tend not to get a lot of traffic from them but it’s always interesting to see what impact their updates have. Yahoo invites your feedback on the update on their blog. Thanks to Hagrin for the tip.
Search Engine Optimization

Blogger Web Comments for Firefox
Google have just launched a Firefox extension (called Blogger Web Comments for Firefox) that allows websurfers to view what people are wrlting about those pages on their blogs. It is based on two other Google products, Blogger and Blog Search. When you surf to a page which people have blogged ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Adsense Gift Picture
Thanks to Grant for emailing me a picture of the AdSense Christmas Gift for some publishers. (Click to enlarge). It is a: carrying case with embossed google logo. zipper closure wireless mini mouse, with scroll wheel usb charger for mouse with retractable cord usb 4 port hub usb gooseneck led ...more

How pictures can sell your post (and your product)
Next up in the 12 Days of Christmas Series is a blog tip from Pro Blogger Arieanna Foley – a (blogger who has at last count) involvement in over 16 blogs (actually it’s probably more than that now she’s a channel editor at b5) on a wide range of topics. ...more
Blog Design

Google Adsense Gift Pack Arrives
It seems that the Google Adsense Present has started arriving for some of their bigger publishers. The description of it by one forum participant is: – marooon carrying case with embossed google logo. zipper closure – wireless mini mouse, with scroll wheel – usb charger for mouse with retractable cord ...more

Amazon earnings up 100%
Just logged into my Amazon Affiliate program account (which I reviewed here to check the daily stats and it looks like December is going to be a bumper month with a lot of Christmas shopping going on. While it doesn’t come close to comparing to other income streams earnings on ...more
Affiliate Programs