Darren Rowse

Bloglines Scheduled Outages
If you rely heavily upon Bloglines for your Blogging then you might like to schedule a lighter day today as they are having significant upgrades as they move to a new data center and are predicting outages. It’s a pity they were not able to schedule this for a weekend ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Product Placement for Consumer-Oriented Blogs
Today’s post in the b5media 12 Days of Christmas series is another post by Hsien-Hsien Lei. She previously posted about ethics for science and health bloggers but this time she’s showing her diversity of blogging interests by writing about Product Placement on Consumer Blogs. Hi. I’m Hsien-Hsien Lei and I ...more
Affiliate Programs

Overcoming Intimidation Over English Skills in Blogging
The next tip in the b5media’s 12 Days of Christmas is from Gayla Baer – one of b5’s celebrity bloggers at Celebamour. She’s got 7 blogs (last time I counted) is a stay at home/work at home mom (twin 12 year old boys) and writes also at Single-Again. Her topic ...more
Writing Content

7 Characteristics of the Entrepreneurial Life
I was out last night and got talking to a mate of a mate (Ben) who in the past year had just started a small business. I love chatting to people in the start up phase of companies as there is often a kindred entrepreneurial spirit that is shared through ...more
Pro Blogging News

Making Money Because of Your Blog as Opposed to Making Money Directly From Your Blog
This afternoon I had a call from a guy and the topic got onto how he wants to make money from blogging (as it seems to quite a bit these days). He was all excited by the potential but was a little muddled with his thinking about how to do ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Mini-Interview with Anil Dash regarding TypePad ‘issues’
I’ve just chatted to Anil Dash from Six Apart and he tells me: “we know we’re not meeting people expectations, but we will make it right” and also: “this happened while we were adding redundancy to the storage system which is kind of like lightning striking.” I was struck by ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

TypePad Blogs Unavailable – Deploying Backups
I’ve woken up this morning to four emails and three people on IM all telling me their frustrations with TypePad which has been down for at least the last 7 or so hours (possibly longer). Over at Six Apart’s website is the following message:
Blogging Tools and Services

Tips for Writing Hardworking Posts – Part 2
Here’s part 2 of Tips for Writing Hardworking Posts by b5 blogger John Evans. I’m John Evans and I write Windows Vista and Microsoft Weblog for b5media. My personal blog is SYNTAGMA. In Part 1, I looked at how a blogger’s “backlist” could be made to work harder by interlinking ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Niche Blogging Benefits
It’s Day 8 in the b5media 12(ish) days of Christmas Series and the next contribution is from By Tammy Powley from the Jewelry and Beading. She’s going to talk Niche Blogging. Feel free to add your own reflections and experiences on niche blogging in comments below. Right now, I maintain ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips