Darren Rowse

New Years Reflections (with a little announcement at the bottom)
It’s now New Years Eve here in Australia so I thought it appropriate for a few reflections on the year gone by here at ProBlogger and a brief look forward at 2006 (with a few hints at what’s in store for me). 2005 was a year that went beyond many ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Ten Tips for writing a blog post
The following post on tips for writing a blog was submitted by Lyndon from Flockblog who in his email to me with it described it as a simple ‘back to basics’ kind of post. Thanks Lyndon. Get more Blog tips from our Blog Tips for Beginners series. Here are ten ...more
Writing Content

Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days
The following post on how to increase website traffic was submitted by Adrian W Kingsley-Hughes. Get more tips on increasing website and blog traffic by subscribing to our RSS Feed. I started the PC Doctor blog in May of 2005 and for the first few months my traffic was really ...more
Blog Promotion

Preventing Blog Burnout
The following post has been submitted by Dan Zarrella from TomKatCrazy! (one of the new celeb blogs over at b5media). We’ve all heard the normal tips about establishing a regular posting frequency and finding a tight niche to focus on, but as we start posting to more and more blogs ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Seven Offline Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic
This post was submitted by Ted Demopoulos, co-author of Blogging for Business, Demopoulos Associates. Most bloggers concentrate on online methods for building their blog traffic. There are also a number of effective offline methods worth exploring for increasing the number of readers. Suggested offline methods can range from simple and ...more
Blog Promotion

First Steps for New Bloggers
My name is Adams Briscoe and I specialize in stringing together nouns and verbs to build somewhat coherent ideas in the form of readable content. I run a personal blog over at Virtuashack.com and also managed to trick Weblogs Inc. into letting me get away with posting on some of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

7 Things to Do with your Blog when you take a Vacation
Get more tips like this in your email by subscribing to the free ProBlogger Newsletter at the top of our sidebar What should I Do with my Blog when I go take a Vacation? This is a question I ask myself in the lead up to every break and one ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Finding Photos for Your Blog
My name is Allan Barizo and I write for The Information Bank and the freeware review. A picture may be worth a thousand words but nobody wants to pay a thousand dollars for rights to use it in their blog. Why pay money to put someone’s photos in an article? ...more
Blog Design

How to Get Your Blog to 100,000 Visitors and Beyond
This post has been submitted by ‘FMF’ from Free Money Finance. It’s actually the first post in a series he’s going to start on FMF in the coming week by the same title. How to Get Your Blog to 100,000 Visitors and Beyond – Step 1: Pick the Right Topic ...more
Blog Promotion