Darren Rowse

Do You Think of Your Blog as a Blog or a Website?
Interesting piece over at AdAge by Simon Dumenco titled a blogger is just a writer with a cooler name where he argues that blogs are just websites and that there shouldn’t really be as much focus on it (found via Adrants). He explains it better. ‘And it occurred to me ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Herald Revealed as Mystery Blog – Bids stand at $72,000
The Mystery blog being sold by Jeremy is the Blog Herald. From what he’s been writing the bidding has been strong with bids now rising to be above $72,000 in the private auction currently being held. I think the ‘private’ part is that it’s happening in private and not private ...more
Pro Blogging News

Net Users Take 1/20th of a Second to Judge your Blog’s Design
Martin just emailed me a link to an article that is sure to depress some bloggers. It talks about how internet users only take one twentieth of a second to decide whether they like the look of a website. ‘Dr Gitte Lindgaard and colleagues from Carleton University in Ottawa flashed ...more
Blog Design

NYT reports that AdSense pays publishers 78.5 cents on the dollar
I am often asked by readers what percentage of the money advertisers pay Google is kept by them and what they give to AdSense publishers. Jen has spotted an article in the NYT that claims the figure Google gives publishers is 78.5%. ‘the article clearly states Google pays roughly 78.5 ...more

2006 Australian Blog Awards
The 2006 Australian Blog Awards are on over at Collective Apathy (the one previously run at Kek’s blog) with voting opening today. The voting is pretty sophisticated (preferential system) to the point where it’s actually a bit of a process to do so. You need to register at Collective Apathy ...more
Pro Blogging News

SEO Contest – Win $4000 and an iPod
If you want to test your search engine optimization skills and you want the challenge of a $4000 reward (plus an ipod) you might like to check out the v7ndotcom SEO contest that Search Engine Journal is talking about today. Looks like some fun and a good way to learn ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Interview of Community Admin Podcast
A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Patrick O’Keefe from the Community Admin Show (a Podcast Network Podcast). The podcast is aimed at forum owners so isn’t blog specific and the interview starts after about 9 minutes of the podcast after Patrick introduces the topic of running advertising on ...more
Pro Blogging News

Building 9rules
Colin Devroe has started an interesting series of posts on the topic of how 9rules.com was built. The first in the series looks at the early days and how they used WordPress to accept submissions and add new blogs to the network. This promises to be an interesting series to ...more
Blog Networks

More on Technorati Tags
There have been a number of posts recently looking at Technorati Tags and Blogging Pro has just posted another one at Technorati Tagging of Posts. It includes some links with some WordPress plugins to help get set up for them on your WP blog. PS – I’m still a bit ...more
Blogging Tools and Services