Darren Rowse

Dpoll AJAX Polls
DPolls is a new AJAX Polling system that has you can place into the posts of your blog (supposedly – and if you can see the poll to the below it seems it works). I use the WordPress Democracy plugin to run the polls in my sidebar but one of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

There’s Gold in Your Archives
John from the Movie Blog just shot me an email with an experience he’s just had which illustrates one of the principles I tend to go on about here at ProBlogger (for example here, and): Hey Darren, Just a little piece of information that supports one of the things you ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Sub-Niche Blogging – Lesson’s from a Baker Named Tom
Warning: Tangent Ahead A few months ago ‘V’ and I took a some time off to go on a weekend road trip to a country town in the North East of our state called Beechworth. One of the interesting things about the lead up to the trip was the well ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Steve Pavlina Reveals Blog Earnings for 2005
Steve Pavlina has just posted some graphs plotting his 2005 Traffic & Adsense Revenue Growth which both show how well his site has been doing over the last 12 months. Steve’s traffic has grown from 86,000 visitors in the month of February 2005 to a projected level of 715,000 visitors ...more

Blog Platforms – Poll Results
As I said I’d do last week I’ve closed the latest Poll of the Week off because it was beginning to take over my sidebar. I found the results quite interesting. The question asked: What Blog Platform Do You Use Most? The results had a few surprises for me. While ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Selling a Blog – Interview with Duncan Riley from Blog Herald
Big in blog news this week is the sale of BlogHerald (no official word that it’s sold yet but it looks like final negotiations are taking place). The price is said to be in excess of over $72,000 (USD). BlogHerald’s owner is Duncan Riley (a partner of mine at b5media) ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews

The Inaugural ProBlogger Best Blog Awards Award
Ok – time for a little fun. I asked over the weekend for your nominations for the Best Blog Award Award (tounge firmly planted in cheek) and received 9 nominations via comment and email. The list is not an exhaustive blog awards list (I did a quick search on Google ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Mister Snitch on Gather.com
Just a quick link (mainly to remind me to read it later) – Mister Snitch has an interesting piece looking at Gather.com – a service (currently in beta) which will pay content writers money for their content based upon traffic levels generated.
Pro Blogging News

PubCon 11 Sydney – Delayed?
Really disappointed to see that PubCon 11 which was advertised to be on in Australia in February is now being advertised to be taking place ‘early-mid’ 2006. Looks like pulling it together was a little more work than they anticipated. Hopefully they’ll get there eventually.
Pro Blogging News