Darren Rowse

Liquid Width or Static Width Blog Design?
Graywolf has started a worthwhile series titled Maximizing Profits With Website Design and Layout which I’ll be following closely. The first in the series tackles the eternal debate of web designers over wether liquid width or static width designs are better. This is a question I have pondered over the ...more
Blog Design

Vatican Copyrights Pope’s Words
In slightly related news – Copyright issues are not only big in blogging circles at the moment – TimesOnline reports that the Vatican has decided to impose copyright on all of the Pope’s Papal pronouncements. It not only covers future words of the current Pope but all of his predecessors ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogger Finds Voice with Blogging
I’m really inspired with the story of Jon Morrow from Real Estate Answered who is using blogging as part of his business activities. This alone is not amazing as many do it, what inspires me is that Jon has Spinal Muscular Atrophy and as the press release says he can ...more
Pro Blogging News

LifeTipper Wins ProBlogger URL competitioin
Those of you who have been waiting for me to announce the winner in my ‘help me choose a domain name competition‘ (catchy title I know) will be happy to know that I’ve selected a winner and it can now reveal it. The winning entry was from Liam Daly who ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Keywords in URLs and AdSense
Interesting post over at ipears (love the name) on The importance of a good ‘post slug’ where Jan reflects upon the impact that changing URLs of individual posts from number extensions to content related keyword extensions had on AdSense ads. ‘I left all titles as is, but started renaming all ...more

Yahoo Answers to add YPN to Allow Users to Earn Income
Very interesting news today out of the YPN camp that Yahoo Answers have a feature ‘coming soon’ that will allow those contributing to it to add their YPN ID in order to earn money off the ads on pages that they contribute to. Jen has the scoop on this writing: ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

ProBlogger in Chicago – Would you Come?
One of the strange things about blogging is that it leads you into an amazing variety of relationships that you would never have dreamed of finding yourself in before. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think about the people that I’ve ‘met’ and have daily contact with as ...more
Pro Blogging News

From Corporate America to Professional Blogging – Becoming a Hired Blogger
Last week Jackie Willey (from Discover Walking and Amore Travel) left a comment on one of my posts as follows: ‘I own and market two blogs. As a result of my writing for these two blogs I was hired to write for two other blogs. In one case I bartered ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Title Tags and SEO
Wayne over at Blog Business World has put together a good post on Title Tags and SEO which contains good advice if you’re looking to climb search engine rankings. I’ve written on the same topic at The Importance of Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization.
Search Engine Optimization