Darren Rowse

How to bring your blogging productivity levels to 0 in one simple step
b5media’s blogs have come to a standstill today. No its not server problems and no our bloggers have not started a mutiny. No it’s much more evil and sinister than that. In our private bloggers internal bloggers communications one of our bloggers, Jesse, introduced everyone to Escapa! Before you visit ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Resolutions
Evan Schaeffer posted a good list of blog resolutions back on 2 January that I only just spotted (via LexBlog). In it Evan gives 10 resolutions with quite a few good sub points under many of them. The only resolution I’d add to the list is ‘don’t post such a ...more
Pro Blogging News

WordPress Feedburner Plugin
Rachel just pinged me on IM to let me know of post she’s just writtten which I really wish she’d written a year ago. It’s about a WP Plugin called WordPress FeedBurner Plugin which makes your Feedburner RSS feed (if you have one) the one that is autodiscovered by feedreaders ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

High Traffic Blogging Steve Style
Steve Pavlina has another good blog related post on How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog) which has some sensible advice in the form of a list. His points are interesting because they are very untechnical and illustrate his own strategy (a successful one from what I can ...more
Pro Blogging News

What to Do when Your Blog is Attacked
‘Blogging would be great if it wasn’t for the people.’ This is the comment of one blogger that I spoke with recently after they’d had a particularly hard week of blogging. He had come under quite intense criticism from a number of other bloggers in his niche who had attacked ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Midday Links
So many linkworthy things in my RSS today that I thought I’d compile them before I grab some lunch. SEO Advice – Linkbait and Linkbaiting – Matt gives some good advice on getting links from other sites with 4 different examples of how to do it. Merlin Mann has a ...more
Pro Blogging News

YPN to Expand in the Spring
Loren at Search Engine Journal writes that Yahoo Publisher Network is Expanding This Spring (I’m presuming that’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere).
Yahoo Publishing Network

Most Blog Readers Don’t Care they are Reading a Blog
One of the problems of immersing yourself in any one sub-group of people is that it’s very easy to lose the bigger picture. This happens in many areas of life but is true for bloggers and more specifically for those who are active in the ‘Pro Blogging’ part of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Becoming a ProBlogger – A story in Many Parts
During the first year of my blogging ‘career’ I worked three jobs simultaneously and was studying part time – and blogged on the side. Sorry – that was a bit of an odd way to start a post – but I just didn’t know how else to do it (It’s ...more
Pro Blogging News