Darren Rowse

Length of Blogging – Poll Results
Last week’s Poll asked readers to share how long they’ve been blogging for and the results are now in. The spread was actually quite wide with good percentages of the total vote of 910 participants polling in each area. The largest group were in the ‘under 3 months’ segment with ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google Toolbar
Google latest Toolbar Beta has been released. I’m sure someone out there is excited but as a Mac user I’m more excited by the fact that I got a beetroot stain out of my shorts this afternoon. HoHum.
Pro Blogging News

Technorati Problems – Update
A couple of weeks ago I blogged about My Technorati Problems and had quite a large response from it. Unfortunately the response came only from readers of this blog and not from Technorati themselves. Of course as they don’t seem to be indexing this blog I can understand this as ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Flipping the Funnel – Another Seth Godin ebook
Seth Godin has just released another free ebook – this time called Flipping the Funnel. In fact there are three versions of it, a standard one, one for not for profits and another for politicians. In short (and I’ve only scanned it so far) it’s about using web 2.0 sites ...more
Pro Blogging News

Improving the Readability of Your Comments Section
I love it when bloggers get on a ‘hot streak’ with their blogs and write multiple link worthy posts in a short period of time. Rachel’s blog is hot right now in my opinion (I seem to be linking to her a lot) and today she’s written an interesting post ...more
Blog Design

AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites
AdMoolah has put together a useful list of links if you’re looking for sites that allow you to contribute content in return for displaying AdSense ads with your publisher code imbedded into them. Probably the most well known of these is Digital Point’s Forums which all participants can submit their ...more

AdSense Chinese New Year Ads Reported
Best HYIP Investment Program is seeing what could be Chinese New Year Year of the Dog images in their AdSense ads. I wondering how many other seasonal AdSense ads publishers who have signed up for them will be sing in over the next year cycle. Has anyone else seen any? ...more

Blogger Cruise Adds Speakers
I just checked out the Blog Cruise homepage again and noticed that there are new speakers in the list. Headlining it now is Robert Scoble. Also added since last time I looked are Toby Bloomberg, Dave Taylor and John Nardini. The full list is: Robert Scoble Toby Bloomberg Dave Taylor ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense Maintenance Underway
The AdSense login page has been out of action for most publishers for the last hour or so. Don’t panic – this happens from time to time and usually just means they are either doing maintenance or are upgrading some component of their system. I seem to remember reading somewhere ...more