Darren Rowse

How to Make Your Millions through Blogging???
I just saw a blog post on a blog (I’m not going to link to it because it’s a pretty spammy site that pushes splog software and was filled with lots of affiliate ads) that made me laugh (and feel a little depressed all at once). The topic of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

coComment – Tracking Blog Comments
There’s a fascinating idea being beta tested over at coComment which attempts to help those who leave comments on multiple blogs (as readers) to keep track of those conversations – all in the one place. It also gives you the ability to display these conversations on your own blog if ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Amazon to Launch Contextual Advertising
The word coming out of Amazon today is that they are considering developing a contextual advertising system similar to AdSense. Up until now they have been using Google’s supply of advertisers to fill ads on their sites but wish to cut Google out of the equation and get into the ...more

Post to Comment/Trackback Ratio
Peter from pc4media has posted asking readers what their Post to Comment/Trackback Ratio? is. Peter’s PCTR (did I just make up a new acronym?) is 0.75 if he doesn’t include trackbacks and 0.66 if he does. Here’s his calculations: ‘1694/2245 = 0.75 (My old methodology.) 1694/ (2245+ 339) = 0.66 ...more
Pro Blogging News

Weblog Empire ReLaunches as ‘Dating Agency’ for Blogs
Duncan has been wondering what to do with his Weblog Empire domain for some time now and today announces the launch of it in it’s version 2 incarnation. He describes it as like a dating agency for your blog where you can post about your blog and look for partnerships ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Benefits of Developing a WP Template
Kyle over at Warpspire has an interesting post reflecting upon the impact that releasing a WP blog template (which got picked up as one of the templates offered on WordPress.com) has had upon his blog’s success of late. The results include increased traffic, loads of inbound links (which helps with ...more
Pro Blogging News

What’s Wrong with Blogging? – Take 2
Last year I did something that I thought I’d never do (as a lover of blogs) – I invited readers to share what they thought was wrong with blogging and today I think it’s time to do it again. I introduced the question last time by sharing a story of ...more
Pro Blogging News

What Blogging Skills Are Missing from Your Blogging Toolbox?
Someone asked me the other day what skills I wished I had to enhance my blogging. I was able to answer them very quickly as most of them are glaringly obvious to me and probably those around me. The gaps in my web skill set are mainly technical. Blog and ...more
Pro Blogging News

Gawker Launches Valleywag
I generally don’t announce when blog networks launch blogs but for some reason when Gawker Media launch one I sit up and take note – because they have an amazing strike rate of launching very successful blogs. They don’t take the machine gun approach and go for lots of small ...more
Blog Networks