Darren Rowse

Writing Good Content
I’d now like to swing the blogging for beginners series onto the topic of writing content with a series of posts exploring different elements of quality content. By the way – Peter mentioned in the last post in this series that his part 2 piece on blog design would be ...more
Writing Content

Gawker Media Launch Text Message Subscriptions
Just yesterday I was speaking with a friend who is in telecommunications about how I thought that one of the areas bloggers would explore would be syndicating their content to cell phones and today I see that Gawker Media have just announced that very service for two of their blogs, ...more
Pro Blogging News

A post by Devin Reams came up in my referrals stats today that I thought was has an interesting way to thinking about the ways that people blog. He talks of the 5 E’s (Ease) of Blogging as being: Educate Entertain Emote Engage Earn I’ll let you read about them ...more
Pro Blogging News

Designer AdSense Ads
While we’re speaking about Blog Design I’d like to point you over to one of my favorite blogs in terms of it’s design – Karen Cheng – Snippets of Life. Karen regularly features in the finalists of all kinds of blog awards, usually in the design category. She’s also an ...more

PR Blogger Builds Profile and Lands Job
Popular PR Blogger, Steve Rubel, has just announced that he’s moving from CooperKatz to new employer at Edelman. While I’m sure there’s more to it than just his blog (a lot more), it’s been fascinating to see how Steve has used Micro Persuasion over the last 20 months since it’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Blog Design for Beginners
The following post is a guest post from the very talented blog designer, Peter Flaschner, as part of the blogging for beginners series. Hi all. I’m Peter Flaschner, the founder and creative dictator at The Blog Studio. I’m going to walk you through the process we go through when designing ...more
Blog Design

Speed Linking
Stephan Spencer writes on 10 things to consider before getting started with RSS (linking himself to Amanda Watlington on the same topic). Technology Evangelist writes Google News and AdSense’s Role in Blog Spam. Jeffry Zeldman talks about Web 3.0. Roland Piquepaille over at ZDNet wrote a column yesterday trying to ...more
Pro Blogging News

ProBlogger Feeds Down in Bloglines
Sorry to my RSS subscribers (via Bloglines only as far as I can tell – Of course Bloglines readers won’t be able to read this :-) ) but my feed doesn’t seem to be working. It’s quite frustrating as the majority of readers to this site are via RSS and ...more
ProBlogger Site News

YPN’s US Based Beta to Continue
In other contextual advertising news – I was speaking with someone close to the YPN team this week and was a little saddened to hear that it’s unlikely that they’ll allowing non US publishers to enter the beta test for some time yet. This confirmed my suspicions after seeing them ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network