Darren Rowse

AdSense to Target by Coordinates
A German publication has apparently reported in the last day or so that AdSense are planning on releasing the ability for advertisers to target ads not just by keywords but but coordinates or location. See a translation of the article here. I know that there is already Geo-Targeting with AdSense ...more

ProBlogger Visits Google Tokyo
Search Engine Journal’s Loren Baker has just sent me a picture of him wearing a ProBlogger T-Shirt on his recent visit to Google Japan’s offices. Very cool! I always said if a reader sent me a picture of them wearing one I’d link up so here’s a link to a ...more
Pro Blogging News

Is Bloglines having Issues
My apologies once again to readers who use Bloglines to follow ProBlogger but unfortunately it seems my feed has been out of action for the last day or two – again. As I look down my own list of blogs that I follow using Bloglines I notice that the little ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Building Blocks Series
In the emerging fiasco that is the incompatibilities between Bloglines and Feedburner for some blogger’s feeds I hadn’t noticed that Aaron from Technosailor has started a useful series of posts titled Blog Building Blocks which is going through some of the basics of making your blog look good using HTML ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

ProBlogger Chat Session – Next Thursday Morning
The response to yesterday’s question about whether people would be interested in a ProBlogger Chat session via Campfire was positive so I think we’ll give it a go next week. I need to tie down a time but I think I’ll make it early on a Thursday morning (maybe around ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Start a Blog Partnership
If I had to write a list of ’10 things I love about blogging’ (now there’s a post) – high on the list would be that blogging has opened up some great relationships for me. While this largely happens on a blogger to reader level – in the last year ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google Introduces Web Page Creator
Google have just launched it’s Page Creator – a free system that lets anyone with a Google ID to create a webpage quickly with a WYSIWYG technology. Users get 100 megabytes of storage space to make their page. Here’s a screen cap of the sign in page (click to enlarge): ...more
Pro Blogging News

How Are Bloggers Different To Journalists? Have your say:
On Sunday I’m on an informal panel that has the brief to discuss the following question, which I thought I might as well open up here for some discussion. Here’s the session brief: In the US right now some of the most influential technology writers are not journalists, they’re bloggers. ...more
Pro Blogging News

The latest Full vs Partial Feed Debate
Lots of debate today over the good old ‘full feed vs partial feed’ question. Robert Scoble responds to a post by Duncan Riley who accuses Steve Rubel of ‘not getting it’. Kent Newsome say’s that Steve ‘Does Get it’ and Nick Wilson agrees with Robert. Every other blogger and his ...more