Darren Rowse

Using Free BlogAds to Promote Affiliate Products
Here’s a tip that I shared with ProBlogger Newsletter subscribers a couple of weeks back (slightly adapted). Those of you who use BlogAds.com ads on your blogs will probably notice that the service allows you to offer free ads using a promotional code. This enables you to offer free ads ...more
Affiliate Programs

Tag, You’re It! Leveraging Tagging For Your Blog
The following post was submitted by for the Blogging for Beginners Series by Aaron Brazell. Aaron is a major contributer over at b5 (he is a major player in keeping our servers in order) and writes on numerous blogs including Emerging Earth and Technosailor.com. I asked Aaron to write an ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

One Dimensional Blogging
I’ve been watching a number of blogs recently that seem to have become a little obsessed with one of two things – Memes and attempting to get to the top of social bookmarking site’s like digg.com and del.icio.us. Now I’ve got nothing against a good meme from time to time ...more
Writing Content

ProBlogger has left the Building
Just a short note to let you know that as this goes live on the blog I’ll be on a flight to sunny (or rainy as I’m told it is this week) Queensland (the most north eastern state of Australia). I’ll be away until late Tuesday night on a conference ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Introduction to Trackbacks
The following post has been submitted by Andy Wibbels – a guy who is a good friend and associate. He and I run Six Figure Blogging together (something I enjoy because I think our skill sets complement each other very well – ie he knows what he’s talking about technically ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google testing video AdSense ads
GoogleRumors have just noticed a video version of AdSense over at The Superficial (screen capture below). AdSense have mentioned different formats were coming but this is the first version I’ve ever seen that is video also. It’ll be interesting to see if they catch on with advertisers and how publishers ...more

Taking things for Granted
This week has illustrated to me that there are many aspects of my blogging workflow and tools that I take for granted. Firstly I’ve been taking my broadband internet connection at home for granted. You see this week we’ve actually been house sitting a friend’s house while ours gets painted. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Kick Your RSS: Jumping on the Syndication Bandwagon
The following post was submitted by for the Blogging for Beginners Series by Aaron Brazell. Aaron is a major contributer over at b5 (he is a major player in keeping our servers in order) and writes on numerous blogs including Emerging Earth and Technosailor.com. I asked Aaron to write an ...more

Duncan’s Blog Herald Reflections
Duncan is wrapping things up over at Blog Herald before it’s transferred to it’s new owner on the weekend. As part of his last few days he’s written an interesting post on 3 years of The Blog Herald: the good, the bad and the ugly. The post gives a real ...more
Pro Blogging News