Darren Rowse

Blogging for Beginners Series – What’s Missing?
I’m coming to the end of my Blogging for Beginners Series (I have a plan for another 5 entries) but wanted to ask readers to take a look through the series so far and see if there are any topics that they feel are missing. The posts I’m planning to ...more
Pro Blogging News

Qumana Vacation Competition
Regular readers will notice that in the last 24 hours I’ve welcomed a new sponsor to ProBlogger – Qumana. They are currently running a competition that will send one lucky blogger (and a friend) on a week long ‘ultimate Ski or Surf Vacation’. The competition is pretty easy to enter. ...more
ProBlogger Site News

1 Millllllion Readers
ProBlogger has just had it’s 1,000,000th visitor! I’ve been psyching myself up for this for the last few hours and watching my Sitemeter stats so I could get the screen cap and it just happened (kind of reminded me of the day I took a photo of my car’s dash ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Time Stamps on Blogs – How Many Does a Blog Need?
Rachel has been asking some interesting questions about Time Stamps on blogs in an attempt to de-clutter them. I think it could be an interesting discussion so head over and have your say.
Blog Design

SES New York Blogging
I’m very jealous of those who are lucky enough to be in New York at the moment for the SES conference. The sessions I’m seeing numerous bloggers reporting on sound very useful. One blog you can follow what people have been learning on is Search Engine Roundtable which has quite ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Blogonomics Blog Cruise – Early Bird Discount Closing Soon
I’m told that the Blogonomics Blog Conference/Cruise is closing it’s early bird discount on 15 March so if you’re planning on going make sure you register before then. I can’t wait for it and have heard from a number of ProBlogger readers that they are coming – would love to ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense confirms 180 day Referrals Time Limit
More AdSense news (they do like to make all their changes and announcements on the one day): The official AdSense Blog have confirmed that the referral program is now operating on a 180 day time limit (an extension from 90 days). The change is retroactive. PS: of course we reported ...more

Ether Launches Beta – Blog Consulting Potential?
Ether is a start up that I think will interest many Pro Bloggers – especially those looking for a way to do consulting online. It has a range of services (remember it’s in beta) available but the one that interests me most is the ability to sign up and get ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

New AdSense Reporting Features Added
In addition to the facelift at AdSense today there is also news that there are new reporting features. The AdSense ‘what’s new page’ explains that there are two new features – firstly the ability to see how much of your traffic is viewing ads that are being targetted to your ...more