Darren Rowse

Xu Jing Lei heads to the top of the Technorati 100
Technorati have just announced a that they’ve got a new most highly ranked blog on their Top 100 – a blog by Xu Jing Lei which has previously been left out of the list but which has a mass of inbound links.
Pro Blogging News

Changing Media Landscape in Australia – Seminar
Those readers in Melbourne or Sydney might be interested in a seminar called ‘Changing Media Landscape’ that Slattery IT is putting on later this month. The topic: “How is the Australian media landscape evolving? The race is on for consumers and workable business models! This seminar brings together an impressive ...more
Pro Blogging News

New AdSense referrals for Google Pack and Picasa
AdSense have continued to release new items on their ‘referral’s program today with two new things for their publishers to earn commissions on. You can now refer to: Google Pack – when users install it from your referral you get $2 Picasa – when users download it from your referral ...more

Blogathon Help Needed – Ask me a Question
I’ve spent a little time today working on some preparations for my blogathon and as part of the last two times I’ve done it I’ve asked blog readers for questions for me to answer during the 24 hour blogging frenzy. So – I’m going to open this post up for ...more
ProBlogger Site News

TypePad update Comment Spam Protection
TypePad Hacks reports that TypePad have updated their comment spam protection to allow bloggers to ban specific words and URLS. This is an update of the previous version of this feature which had problems because if you entered words that were part of other words it was a little over ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Make Money From Your Blog
Steve Pavlina has written another of his comprehensive articles (7000+ words) on the topic of making money from a blog. It’s filled with loads of advice from his own experience of his last 19 months of blogging in which he’s built his own blog’s income to a level of $200 ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Work at Home Entrepreneur
Dominic Foster has written a post on Benefits of Working From Home which, as the title suggests, outlines some of the upsides of working at home: Choose your own hours Get to see more of your family Save money Maintain sanity Save time He explains each and makes good sense ...more
Pro Blogging News

$10,000 per Day – Interview
A couple of months ago I wrote a post titled Do Ugly Blogs Convert Better? which was based upon the revelation that a Canadian dating site by the name of ‘Plenty of Fish‘ was reportedly earning more than $10,000 a day via AdSense and affiliate programs. $10,000 a day – ...more
Case Studies

Skypecasts Coming
TechCrunch has news of a new service that Skype will offer – Skypecasts which will be a free service that allows ‘live, moderated Skype conversations of up to 100 people. The host may controls mute, eject and “microphone pass”. Skypecasts may be prescheduled and promoted via html snippets’. I can ...more
Blogging Tools and Services